A Long Detour is a Main Quest. Players will be automatically given this quest when they first start their character.
Quest Objectives[]
Show/HideHead East to the Travellers' Camp
Status: In Progress
Your journey east has been interrupted, and now you find yourself on a backwood path headed towards a common resting ground for travelers. From there you hope to make your way back to the main road. The other travelers who went on ahead warned that the reclusive and cowardly Skullen are becoming more aggressive as of late. Be wary on your way to the traveler camp.
Location: The Forest Trail
Show/HideFind the Stash and Speak with Trader Corbin
Status: In Progress
You've reached the Traveler Camp and now have a chance to rest your feet. You notice a trader and his Grole posted up near the campfire along with a stash for safeguarding supplies. At the other side of the camp, you can see other travelers resting here as well.
Explore the Traveler's Camp before venturing forth.
Location: The Travellers' Camp
NPC: Trader Corbin
Finding the Stash and Speaking with Trader Corbin are not necessary, simply entering The Southern Plateau will advance the quest.
Show/HideContinue east through The Southern Plateau
Status: In Progress
In the Traveler's Camp travel east to the Southern Plateau. You've taken a moment to rest, and now you're ready to continue your journey. Your path back to the main road is further ahead.
Location: The Southern Plateau
Show/HideSpeak with Keeper Balthas in The Southern Plateau
Status: In Progress
You've slain the Osprix soldiers, but the traveler they were attacking is in bad shape. Even now you can hear shouts in the distance of other Osprix, more will come soon.
Location: The Southern Plateau
NPC: Keeper Balthas
Speaking with Keeper Balthas is not necessary, advancing part way through The Ulatri Cliffs will advance the quest.
Show/HideFind Keeper Leena and The Shard in The Ulatri Cliffs!
Status: In Progress
The injured Keeper Balthas told you that the Osprix, the eagle-headed servants of Rahyeh, attacked and fled with his daughter who holds a relic of immense importance. His body failing him, Balthas begs you to save his daughter and protect the shard.
Location: The Ulatri Cliffs
Show/HideDefend Yourself!
Status: In Progress
You've pursued the path the Osprix soldier fled down, whether it be to save the daughter of a the man who died before or merely to find a path away from the chaos is only for you to say. Unfortunately, you find that you've been herded towards their encampment further up the mountains and now are face to face with their commander, Haruspex Orian. He has summoned a wall of flame and the fury of his soldiers!
Location: The Ulatri Cliffs
Show/HideSurvive Haruspex Orian's wrath!
Status: In Progress
Following the defeat of his soldiers, Haruspex Orian emerges from the flames and advances upon you, intent on disposing of you himself. Defend yourself from Orian's wrath
Location: The Ulatri Cliffs
Show/HideSpeak with Keeper Leena
Status: In Progress
You have survived Haruspex Orian's wrath, but your troubles are far from over, you can hear more soldiers amassing in the distance. Speak with Keeper Leena to see if she is injured.
Location: The Ulatri Cliffs
NPC: Keeper Leena
Show/HideTake the Shard!
Status: In Progress
You have survived Haruspex Orian's wrath, but your troubles are far from over, you can hear more soldiers amassing in the distance. Keeper Leena insists that your only hope is to grasp the shard, a relic shrouded in mystery, and trust in its power.
Location: The Ulatri Cliffs
Show/HideEnter the Rift opened by the shard
Status: In Progress
In the Ulatri Cliffs enter the strange portal. You have survived Haruspex Orian's wrath, but your troubles are far from over, you can hear more soldiers amassing in the distance. Keeper Leena insists that your only hope is to grasp the shard, a relic shrouded in mystery, and trust in its power. After you grasped the shard, a portal opened before you, it seems to be your only path away from danger.
Location: The Ulatri Cliffs
Status: Completed
The last thing you recall is the world melting away, the only sensation left coming from the shard that Keeper Leena gave you. It softly resonating with your heartbeat, the pulse coming stronger and stronger as the world around you swirled together before you blacked out.
Now you have awoken and found yourself where you were before... but not. Keeper Leena is gone, the grass underneath you and the trees around you appear different, some new and some gone, some grown and some dying. This place is the same but, different. Where did the shard take you?
Keeper Leena
Did Balthas send you?... I see. Rahyeh's forces are not finished with us, we don't have much time before more of them arrive!Please, take the shard with you and protect it with your life. I'll distract the reinforcements, quick! Use the shard!