A Study in Time is a Side Quest, given by Ansella.
Show/HideGain entry to The Great College in Welryn
Status: In Progress
Find the gates to the Great College of Welryn and gain entry.
Ansella at The Outcast Camp has confiscated the keys to The Great College of Welryn from an Imperial Scholar. She has given them to you and asked you to investigate what the Immortal Empire is doing there.
Location: Imperial Welryn
After opening the door the The Ruined College becomes available, however you will not yet be able to pick up the Officer's Crest to unlock the college doors until you complete the next objective
Show/HideInvestigate The Great College of Welryn
Status: In Progress
You've entered the Great College, just like Ansella asked. Investigate the interior to find out as much as you can about what the Immortal Empire is up to.
Location: The Great College
NPC: Imperial Officer Humsk
Show/HideTravel to the Ruined Era to investigate the Great College of in the Ruins of Welryn
Status: In Progress
Travel forward in time to the Ruined Era to investigate the Great College for clues in what is in that time the Ruins of Welryn.
There is a door to the upper levels of the Great College, but it's sealed shut in this time. The Imperial Officer on the other side insists that the Officer's Crest on his person is the only way to open the door. Perhaps by traveling to the future, you may find a way to open the door, and you can investigate with Ansella.
Location: The Ruined College
Show/HideTravel back to the Imperial Era and return to the sealed door in the Great College of Welryn
Status: In Progress
Ansella at The Outcast Camp has confiscated the keys to The Great College of Welryn from an Imperial Scholar. She has given them to you and asked you to investigate what the Immortal Empire is doing there.
In the Ruins of Welryn, you found that the Sealed Door was broken long ago with the remains of the Imperial Officer that had guarded it along with his Officer's Crest. The Officer's Crest may still work on the door in the past.
Location: The Great College
NPC: Imperial Officer Humsk
Show/HideInvestigate the Upper Floor of the Great College of Welryn
Status: In Progress
Ansella at The Outcast Camp has confiscated the keys to The Great College of Welryn from an Imperial Scholar. She has given them to you and asked you to investigate what the Immortal Empire is doing there.
The Officer's Crest from the Ruined Era dispelled the magic on the Sealed Door. Continue your investigation of the Great College and give Ansella a report of what you find.
Location: The Great College
Show/HideReturn to Ansella at the Outcast Camp
Status: In Progress
Return to Ansella at the Outcast Camp to report your findings.
Ansella at The Outcast Camp has confiscated the keys to The Great College of Welryn from an Imperial Scholar. She has given them to you and asked you to investigate what the Immortal Empire is doing there.
In the upper floors of the Great College, you found the remains of humans who were used for experimentation. Return to Ansella at the Outcast Camp]] and tell her what you saw.
Location: The Outcast Camp
NPC: Ansella
Status: Completed
Ansella at The Outcast Camp has confiscated the keys to The Great College of Welryn from an Imperial Scholar. She has given them to you and asked you to investigate what the Immortal Empire is doing there.
Through the use of time travel, you managed to investigate The Great College of Welryn and free the prisoners trapped within, earning Ansella's respect and gratitude.