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Last Epoch Wiki
Disambig This article is about item affixes. For enemy affixes, see Enemy Affixes.

Affix Shards are consumable items which influence modifiers that are present on equipment. They can be added to most equipment through the use of crafting.


Affix shards primarily drop from Enemies and Containers throughout Eterra. The player can pick them up like other items, taking up 1 square of space in the Inventory. Every affix shard can be then moved into the Forge with a dedicated button on the user interface (along with runes and glyphs), where storage space is unlimited.

There are other ways to obtain Affix Shards:


Each item that can be equipped in a player slot can have up to four different affixes, with a varying strength through Tier 1-7. Affix Shards can be consumed in crafting to introduce an affix, or upgrade the tier of an already present one (up to 5). An affix can modify one or more stats, those modifying more than one being known as hybrid affixes.

Normally, Affix Shards are only usable on regular modifiers. Using a Glyph of Despair or a Rune of Research however, can move an affix to the sealed slot, freeing up their occupied slot. Sealed affixes are permanently frozen and cannot be removed.


Affixes usually fall in the following categories:

  • Stat modifiers: Like the name suggests, these modify the player's and their minions' statistics. Character Stats include attributes, damage, resistances, potion slot and defenses. Very rarely an affix can modify multiple stats, known as hybrid stats.
  • +X to Skill: These hybrid modifiers grant additional points to a skill that can be allocated on their tree. Bonus points can extend the number of points beyond 20, hence they tend to drop more rarely.
  • Experimental affixes: These item-specific hybrid modifiers can be found on equipment dropped from an Exiled Mage, or crafted onto one with a Glyph of Insight. Only one experimental affix can be present on an item, and they cannot exist as Affix Shards.
  • Unique affixes: These affixes are present on Unique Equipment, which define a unique item's flavor and cannot be interacted with directly.