Last Epoch Wiki
Last Epoch Wiki

Characters in Last Epoch are entities that can interact with each other, move or be placed throughout the game environment,

Player Characters[]

Player characters are directly controlled by a human player. These characters have unique interactions with other characters and unique Character Stats. Each player character belongs to one of 5 different Classes.

Two to four players can join parties for a shared gameplay experience. Instances with more players present feature stronger enemies, with each player getting loot only available to them. Party members can trade items to each other that have dropped in a common zone.


Non-Player Characters, or NPCs, are characters which are either static or controlled by AI. NPCs can be found while playing through PvE.


A character's combat alignment is reflective of their reaction to different skills from players or other characters.

  • Non-Combative Characters - will not be affected by buffs or damaging skills from any source
  • Friendly Characters - Are considered "Allies" to players and their skills. Will be affected by buffs from the player, will be damaged by and deal damage to Hostile Characters and Neutral Hostile Characters.


Characters with the following alignments are considered Enemies.

  • Hostile Characters - Are considered "Enemies" to players and their skills. Will be affected by damage dealt from and deal damage to Players, Friendly Characters, and Neutral Hostile Characters but not other Hostile characters
  • Neutral Hostile Characters - Are considered "Enemies" to players and their skills. Will be affected by damage dealt from and deal damage to Players, Friendly Characters, and Hostile Characters but not other Neutral Hostile characters
  • Breakables - can be damaged by players but no other sources, will not be targeted as enemies.


Main article: Dialogue

Some characters may have dialogue, either as a "shout" which is displayed over their head, or as a dialogue window which is opened by interacting with them.

The dialogue window is typically how players will access other functions of an NPC, such as the Store from vendors.

Story Characters[]

Main article: Story Characters

Story Characters are present in the World of Eterra lore. Although they may not necessarily have game entities, they have notable impact on the story of Last Epoch.


Main article: Minions

Minions are summoned by other characters and are under their summoner's control.


Main article: Bosses

Bosses are tougher Hostile Characters.
