Dark Quiver is a Marksman Buff Skill which is unlocked at Passives level 15.
Skill Description[]
Summons 7 Black Arrows that rain from the sky over 4 seconds, granting 100% increased damage to your next Bow Attack when retrieved.
Attribute Effects
Dexterity: gains 2 Mana Efficiency per point
Additional Details[]
You cannot pick up a new Black Arrow until you've expended your current Black Arrow.
Skill Nodes[]
Icon | Node Name | Node Description | Max Points | Connected Nodes |
Accessible | Black arrows are summoned 10% quicker per point. 10% less Dark Quiver duration per point. | 5 | Nightfall-1, Quickened Arrows-1 and Crippling Arrows-4 | |
Archer's Focus | Using a Black Arrow gives 12% more damage per point and 5 mana cost per point to the next bow attack. | 3 | Heavy Arrows-1, Fiery Vengeance-3, Resolve-3 and Scourge Quiver-1 | |
Arrow of the Trickster | Picking up a Black Arrow creates a Shadow at its location. | 1 | Rending Shots-1 and Surge of Adrenaline-1 | |
Crimson Quiver | Picking up a Black Arrow adds a Crimson Shroud stack for 1 second per point. | 5 | Scourge Quiver-1 and Lacerating Arrows-2 | |
Crippling Arrows | Picking up a Black Arrow slows nearby enemies for 1 second per point. | 5 | Accessible-4, Large Quiver-1 and Fend Off-2 | |
Dragon Slayer | Causes the next Cinder Strike attack to instantly kill enemies that are below 15% health. | 3 | Fiery Vengeance-1 | |
Elemental Adept | Adds a chance to inflict elemental ailments with the next bow attack, depending on its element:
| 5 | Nature's Focus-1 and Grand Detonation-2 | |
Fatal Barrage | Using a Black Arrow adds base critical chance to the next Flurry ability. | 1 | Heartseeker-2 | |
Fend Off | Picking up a Black Arrow knocks back nearby enemies by 4 meters. | 1 | Crippling Arrows-1 | |
Fiery Vengeance | Picking up a Black Arrow resets the Cinder Strike combo sequence. | 1 | Dragon Slayer-1 and Archer's Focus-3 | |
Grand Detonation | Using a Black Arrow increases the next Detonating Arrow's area by 100%. | 1 | Elemental Adept-2 | |
Heartseeker | Adds 25% increased crit chance per point to the next bow attack upon using a Black Arrow. | 4 | Fatal Barrage-2 and Heavy Arrows-1 | |
Heavy Arrows | Adds 5 physical damage per point to the next bow attack upon using a Black Arrow. | 4 | Heartseeker-1, Rending Shots-1, Archer's Focus-1 and Root-0 | |
Heavy Artillery | Ballistae with 4 Black Arrow buffs always crit. | 1 | Keen Shots-4 | |
Keen Shots | Picking up a Black Arrow adds 2% attack speed per point to active Ballistae. | 5 | Perfect Bolts-1 and Heavy Artillery-4 | |
Lacerating Arrows | Using a Black Arrow adds 100% bleed chance and 10% physical penetration to the next Puncture. | 1 | Crimson Quiver-2 | |
Large Quiver | Dark Quiver continues to summon 1 additional Black Arrows per point after its duration. | 3 | Crippling Arrows-1, Nature's Focus-1 and Root-0 | |
Mending | Picking up a Black Arrow restores 20 health per point. | 3 | Surge of Adrenaline-1, Perfect Bolts-1, Nightfall-1 and Root-0 | |
Nature's Focus | Picking up a Black Arrow adds 30% elemental damage per point to the next bow attack. | 3 | Large Quiver-1 and Elemental Adept-1 | |
Nightfall | Picking up a Black Arrow grants 1 Dusk Shroud stack per point for 4 seconds. | 5 | Mending-1, Until Dawn-4 and Accessible-1 | |
Perfect Bolts | Picking up a Black Arrow adds 4 bow physical damage per point to active Ballistae. | 5 | Mending-1 and Keen Shots-1 | |
Quickened Arrows | 1 Black Arrow per point is instantly summoned on use. | 5 | Accessible-1 | |
Rending Shots | Adds 30% physical shred chance per point to the next bow attack upon using a Black Arrow. | 5 | Trueshot-2, Arrow of the Trickster-1 and Heavy Arrows-1 | |
Resolve | Picking up a Black Arrow restores 2 mana per point. | 4 | Archer's Focus-3 and Umbral Resolution-1 | |
Scourge Quiver | Picking up a Black Arrow adds 30% damage over time to the next bow attack. | 4 | Archer's Focus-1, Crimson Quiver-1, Toxic Quiver-3 and Root-0 | |
Surge of Adrenaline | Picking up a Black Arrow grants the Frenzy buff for 1 second per point. | 3 | Mending-1 and Arrow of the Trickster-1 | |
Tide of Darkness | Using a Black Arrow grants the next Hail of Arrows increased damage over time, with a rate of 2x critical strike chance. | 1 | Until Dawn-1 | |
Toxic Quiver | Using a Black Arrow grants 30% poison chance and 10% poison penetration to the next bow attack. | 5 | Scourge Quiver-3 | |
Trueshot | Causes the next Multishot attack to pierce two additional targets upon using a Black Arrow. | 1 | Rending Shots-2 | |
Umbral Resolution | Using a Black Arrow consumes all active Shadows to add 5% more damage (20% if at least 3 Shadows are consumed) per point to the next bow attack. | 3 | Resolve-1 | |
Until Dawn | Bow attacks can summon a Black Arrow with 5% chance per point. 3 seconds cooldown. | 5 | Nightfall-4 and Tide of Darkness-1 |