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Druid is one of the master classes of the Primalist.


A conduit for the long-dormant power of Eterra, he bends the fury of nature to his will even as he takes the form of ferocious creatures. He is an avatar of the earth's latent power, Eterra's bastion against of all that would threaten her.


The Druid specializes in harnessing the power of primal nature, capable of summoning poisonous vines and spriggans with healing power. He can also assume a form of a primal creature - a Werebear, a Spriggan, or a Swarmblade -, gaining new abilities and buffs in the process. While transformed, the Druid uses Rage instead of Mana for his abilities.

Due to his heavy ability focus, the Druid's passive tree focuses mainly on supporting and improving select abilities, as well as possibilities to build Attunement and Strength. The versatility of the tree grants a large degree of build freedom for the player.


The following are the Passives for the Druid.

These passives are available to any Primalist that has unlocked their mastery classes.

IconPassive NamePassive DescriptionClassMax PointsUnlocked Lvl.Required Passive
Blossoming VinesYou and your minions have 15% increased healing effectiveness per allocated point.Druid815
Return to Dust8% increased damage over time per allocated point. 3 health gained on kill per allocated point.Druid1015
Spirit ClawsYour spells and melee attacks deal 2 added physical damage on hit per allocated point.Druid510
Strengthened Bond10% increased armor and protection per allocated point if you control exactly one companion.Druid520
Thunderous RoarTremor gains 1% increased damage per allocated point for each point of strength.Druid410Tremor
TremorWhenever you are hit with a melee attack, you have a 10% chane per allocated point to cast Tremor under a random nearby enemy. This effect has a 4 second cooldown.Druid35
Unstable GroundTremor deals 30% increased damage per allocated point.Druid815Tremor
Vale WarriorYou and your minions have 5% increased physical damage per allocated point and 5% increased healing effectiveness per allocated point.Druid105
Vital BoonYour minions have 25% increased healing effectiveness per allocated point.Druid1020Healing Totems
Healing Totems2% Chance per allocated point to summon a healing totem nearby when hit. 10% increased minion health per allocated point.Druid510
Eterra's BoonWhenever you cast a spell you have a 5% chance per allocated point to regain the mana cost as health.Druid85
Primal Shifter14% increased damage per allocated point if you have changed form in the past 10 seconds.Druid520

These passives are available only to those who have ascended as a Druid. These skills are unavailable to ascended Shamans and Beastmasters.

IconPassive NamePassive DescriptionClassMax PointsUnlocked Lvl.Required Passive
Deep Roots10 added elemental protection per allocated point. 10% increased health regeneration per allocated point.Druid525
Defense of the Heart25% increased armor and protections per allocated point if you have critically hit an enemy recently.Druid540Ferocity
Ferocity20% increased critical strike chance per allocated point.Druid1030
Forest Fervor15% increased physical damage per allocated point if you have critically hit an enemy recentlyDruid535Ferocity
Healing NovaEvery 15 seconds you cast healing nova on your next hit.Druid135
Healing Waves5% increased healing effectiveness per allocated point. -1 second cooldown for healing nova.Druid1045Healing Nova
Sprouting VinesWhen you kill an enemy you have a 10% chance per allocated point to summon a vine at the target and regain 5 health per allocated point.Druid1045
WoodloreYou and your minions have 1 added vitality per allocated point and 5% chance to poison on hit per allocated point.Druid825
Hideskin10 added health per allocated point. Stuns on you have 3% reduced duration per allocated point.Druid1030
RegrowthWhenever you transform back into human form, you regain 5 additional mana and gain 5% increased mana regeneration per allocated point for four seconds.Druid535Restoration
Eternal Nature1 added attunement per allocated point. 5 added health per allocated point.Druid2040
Natural Duality15% increased damage per allocated point if you control exactly one companion.Druid540
Thicket Blades5% increased spell physical damage. You have 25% chance to cast thicket blades when you are hit.Druid525Rootborn Wrath
RestorationGain 30% increased health regeneration per allocated point if you have changed form within the past 10 seconds.Druid525
Briarskin5% increased spell damage per allocated point. 1% chance per allocated point to cast thorn burst when you are hit.Druid1030


These are the Skills for the Druid.

These skills are available to any Primalist that has unlocked their mastery classes.

IconSkill NameSkill DescriptionSkill TypeMana CostCooldownLevel Unlocked
[[File:Swarmblade FormTransform into an agile Swarmblade, increasing your melee capabilities, and gaining 4 new abilities. Your mana is replaced with Rage while in swarmblade form. When your Rage reaches 0 you automatically transform back into your human form, instantly regaining 50 mana. Your starting Rage is equal to your maximum mana. Rage slowly decays over time at a constant rate.Spell0615
SprigganFormIcon(new)Spriggan FormTransform into a forest spriggan, increasing your casting capabilities and gaining 4 new abilities. Your mana does not regenerate while in spriggan form. When your mana reaches 0 you automatically transform back into your human form, instantly regaining 50 mana.Spell05
SummonSprigganIconSummon SprigganSummon a spriggan that casts spells to attack your enemies and has an aura that restores 10 health every second. When its health drops to 0 it is downed and you can stand near it to revive it. The spriggan counts as a companion. You can have a maximum of two companions by default.Summon98815

These skills are available only to those who have ascended as a Druid. These skills are unavailable to ascended Shamans and Beastmasters.

IconSkill NameSkill DescriptionSkill TypeMana CostCooldownLevel Unlocked
EntanglingRootsIconEntangling RootsCalls forth roots from the ground that snare nearby enemies and deal physical damage to them over time.Spell6035
