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Last Epoch Wiki

Elemental Nova is a Mage Spell Skill which is unlocked at level 4.

Skill Description[]

Casts a nova around you that deals fire, cold and lightning damage.

All types of Elemental Nova that you have enabled have an equal chance to be cast.

Attribute Effects

Intelligence: 4% increased damage per point

Additional Information[]

The base elemental nova deals 1/3 of it's damage as Cold Damage, 1/3 as Lightning Damage and 1/3 as Fire Damage. Once Fire Nova, Cold Nova or Lightning Nova have been specialized in, it will only deal damage of the nova's type.

Skill Nodes[]

Skill Nodes List
Icon Name Description Max Points
Ice Nova Ice Nova Enables Ice Nova. Nova has an equal chance to cast each nova type you have enabled.
Increases the damage of all of your elemental novas by 10%.
Glacial Might Glacial Might 20% increased damage and mana cost per point. 4
Protective Strikes Protective Strikes 7% chance to gain 10 ward per point on hit. 5
Magical Barrier Magical Barrier 10% increased ward gained from Protective Strikes and Survival of the Victor 7
Frostbite Frostbite 25% chance to chill per point. 4
Spreading Frost Spreading Frost 10% chance per point to create a chain reaction of lesser ice novas 5
Fire Nova Fire Nova Enables Fire Nova. Nova has an equal chance to cast each nova type you have enabled.
Increases the damage of all of your elemental novas by 10%.
Fiery Destruction Fiery Destruction +35% to critical strike multiplier per point. 4
Arcane Projection Arcane Projection You can target you novas. 1
Ash Frenzy Ash Frenzy 5% increased cast speed per point and 5% more damage against enemies on full health per point. 5
Immolation Immolation 25% chance to ignite per point. 4
Infernal Nova Infernal Nova Elemental nova has 300% increased area of effect, but has a 4 second cooldown. 1
Conflagrating Speed Conflagrating Speed 25% increased cooldown recovery speed per point. 8
Flame Battery Flame Battery Can Store +1 charge of elemental nova per point. 2
Lightning Nova Lightning Nova Enables Lightning Nova. Nova has an equal chance to cast each nova type you have enabled.
Increases the damage of all of your elemental novas by 10%.
Spark Charges Spark Charges 20% chance per point to attach a static charge on hit. 5% increased damage per point. Spark charges explode after 0.7 seconds dealing lightning damage to nearby enemies. Spark charges automatically detonate when the enemy they are attached to dies. 5
Shocking Nova Shocking Nova Elemental nova has 20% chance to shock per point. 10% increased efficiency per point. 5
Ascended Current Ascended Current Gain 25% increased shock effect per point on hit. You can only have one instance of this buff at a time. 6
Elemental Expanse Elemental Expanse 40% increased area of effect per point. 5
Charged Destruction Charged Destruction +3% to critical strike chance per point. 3
Survival of the Victor Survival of the Victor 14% chance to gain 14 ward per point on kill. 3
Arcane Protection Arcane Protection Gain 15% ward retention per point for 4 seconds on kill. You can only have one instance of this buff at a time. 5
