Last Epoch Wiki

Eterra is a God Non-Player Character. They are a prominent Story Character in the World of Eterra.


A statue of Eterra


Eterra is the creator and protector of her world, which is named after her by its inhabitants. Legends say she is the mother of the other gods, the protector of humanity and all living things. In ancient times she kept humanity hidden away deep inside her temple, along with a mysterious being known as The Observer. Since then, she disappeared into the mystery of time, while her creation and the gods continue to live on, much to their honor.


The Epoch[]

Eterra may have created the Epoch, a powerful artifact that can be used to weave the fabric of time and reality, possibly to seal off the imperfection in her creation called the Void. As time went on, the Epoch has been shattered into multiple shards, and a few thousand years after the Gods, the Void's influence has grown to an alarming size, consuming most of Eterra's world. Only pockets of territories have stayed clean of the Void, thanks to the emanations of the Epoch's shards.

The Gods[]

The Gods are deities that keep the world of Eterra and humanity in balance, and shape them. Such balance is of constant change that is the bidding of the Gods, waging wars on each other, or just keeping things in motion in order to satiate one's hunger and boredom. Eventually, order is always restored.

Each God has a vast number of followers, who help them in preserving their principles and carve a clear path to their dreams. Those noticed by them can even be granted the blessing of their God, gaining a fraction of their power to be wielded. Outside of divine powers, blessed artifacts are the only known means to contend with a God and fight them.

The Temple of Eterra[]

In primal times, Eterra housed humanity from the danger of outside peril for a very long time, until she was forced to let them out, scattering them throughout her world. The Temple of Eterra was a large floating haven that was bound by enormous, robust chains to the ground.

At one time, the chains holding the temple tore, the temple landed, and most of it got ruined. As time passed after Eterra disappeared, the Temple was gradually decaying, with vegetation and humanity taking over. Later this place would become home for the Outcast Camp, a band of humans who seek refuge from the Immortal Empire. The Temple has also been the safe place for a shard of the Epoch.
