Last Epoch Wiki
Last Epoch Wiki

Firebrand is a Spellblade Melee Attack Skill which is unlocked at Passives level 30.

Skill Description[]

A Melee Attack which grants you a stack of Firebrand buff if it hits an enemy. Each stack of the Firebrand buff increases the size of subsequent Firebrand attacks and adds Melee Fire Damage.

Attribute Effects

Intelligeance: 4% increased Damage per point
Dexterity: 4% increased Damage per point

Additional Details[]

Firebrand can stack up to 4 times. Each stack grants +5 Melee Fire Damage, increases the size of Firebrand attacks by 25% and lasts for 4 seconds.

Skill Nodes[]

The nodes for this skill have not been added to the wiki yet.
