Last Epoch Wiki

Flame Ward is a Mage Spell Skill which is unlocked at level 7.

Skill Description[]

Grants a burst of 400 Ward. Then for 3 seconds, hits deal 30% less damage to you and cause a retaliatory burst of flames.

Attribute Effects

Intelligence: 4% Increased Damage and 2% Mana Efficiency per point.

Skill Nodes[]

IconNode NameNode DescriptionMax PointsConnected Nodes
AstonishFlame Ward is cast when you are stunned, if it is off cooldown and you have positive mana.1Desperate Defense-1
BarrierYou take less damage from hits while Flame Ward is active (multiplicative with other modifiers). Adds 8% Less Hit Damage per point.5Stalwart Defense-1, Shrewd Shielding-2 and Prismatic Buffer-2
Blast FieldFlame Ward's retaliation hits in a larger area. Adds 40% Retaliation Area per point.5Retribution-2
Concentrated ShieldingFlame Ward grants additional ward, but has a shorter duration. Adds 50 Ward Granted per point and reduces duration by 10% per point.4Stalwart Defense-2, Fuel The Flames-1 and Fortification-3
Desperate DefenseFlame Ward grants additional ward equal to a percentage of your missing health. Adds 12% Percent of Missing Health Granted As Ward per point.3Stalwart Defense-2, Astonish-1 and Fuel The Flames-1
DilationFlame Ward costs less mana. Flame Ward and Fire Aura last longer. Adds 12% Duration per point and adds 6% Mana Efficiency per point.3Energize-2, Infusion-2, Through Flames-1, Root-0 and Fire Aura (Flame Ward)-3
Dual AegisFlame Ward can store an additional charge, allowing you to use it twice before it goes on cooldown.1Fuel The Flames-2
EnergizeFlame Ward grants ward over time while active. Adds 15 Ward Per Second per point.3Dilation-2, Recollection-2 and Prismatic Buffer-2
Eye of FlameFire Aura deals more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers). This also affects Fire Aura from sources other than Flame Ward. Adds 15% Fire Aura Damage.1Fire Aura (Flame Ward)-1
Fire Aura (Flame Ward)While active, Flame Ward grants you Fire Aura, a spell that deals fire damage over time to surrounding enemies.1Dilation-3, Frost Ward-1 and Eye of Flame-1
Flame RunnerYou have Haste while Flame Ward is active. Haste granted by this node grants 30% increased movement speed and does not stack.1Through Flames-4
FortificationFlame Ward grants significantly more ward, but no longer retaliates.1Concentrated Shielding-3
Frost WardFlame Ward is converted to Cold. This converts the base damage of the retaliation, granting it a freeze rate, and converts any fire damage modifiers from nodes on this tree. This also globally converts Fire Aura to cold and grants it a Freeze Rate. Adds 40 Retaliation Freeze Rate and adds 48 Fire Aura Freeze Rate Per Second.1Frostguard-1, Rimeskin-1 and Retribution-2
FrostguardFlame Ward grants armor while active. Adds 200 Armor per point.5Glacial Reinforcement-2 and Frost Ward-1
Fuel The FlamesFlame Ward grants more ward, but has a longer cooldown. Adds 10% Ward Granted per point and 1 seconds to Flame Ward's cooldown per point.3Desperate Defense-1, Dual Aegis-2 and Concentrated Shielding-1
Glacial ReinforcementFlame Ward grants additional block chance, block effectiveness, and Ward on block while active. Adds 500 Block Effectiveness per point, adds 5 Ward Gained On Block per point, and adds 10% Block Chance.5Frostguard-2
InfusionFlame Ward grants increased fire damage while active. If Flame Ward is converted to cold or lightning, then this damage increase is also converted. Adds 50% Increased Fire Damage per point.5Dilation-2 and Lightning Ward-1
Lightning WardFlame Ward is converted to Lightning, unless it has been converted to cold. This converts the base damage of the retaliation, and any fire damage modifiers from nodes on this tree. This also globally converts Fire Aura to lightning, unless it has been converted to cold.1Retribution-2 and Infusion-1
Mental AegisMana now absorbs damage while Flame Ward is active. Each point of mana shields 5 health.5Shrewd Shielding-2 and Warmth-1
Prismatic BufferFlame Ward reduces elemental damage taken while active (multiplicative with other modifiers). Reduces Elemental Damage Taken by 10% per point.3Barrier-2, Energize-2 and Selfless Sorcery-2
RecollectionFlame Ward grants increased ward retention while active. Adds 25% Ward Retention per point.2Energize-2
RetributionFlame Ward's retaliation hits deal more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers). Adds 40% Retaliation Damage per point.5Telepyrosis-3, Frost Ward-2, Lightning Ward-2, Root-0 and Blast Field-2
RimeskinFlame Ward's retaliation hits have a higher chance to freeze enemies. Adds 100% Retaliation Freeze Rate per point.5Frost Ward-1
Selfless SorceryFlame Ward can be cast on allies. This has no effect if you have taken the Mental Aegis node.1Prismatic Buffer-2
Shrewd ShieldingFlame Ward costs less mana. Adds 10% Mana Efficiency per point.3Barrier-2 and Mental Aegis-2
Stalwart DefenseFlame Ward grants additional ward. Adds 40 Ward per point.5Root-0, Warden Pulse-4, Desperate Defense-2, Concentrated Shielding-2 and Barrier-1
TelepyrosisFlame Ward's retaliation is centered on the enemy that hits you, but it hits in a smaller area. Reduces Retaliation Area by 50%.1Retribution-3
Through FlamesFlame Ward grants additional fire damage to attacks and spells while active. If Flame Ward is converted to cold or lightning, then this added damage is also converted. Adds 2 Fire Damage per point.5Dilation-1 and Flame Runner-4
Warden PulseEnemies around you are knocked back when you use Flame Ward. Adds Knock Back.1Stalwart Defense-4
WarmthFlame Ward grants increased mana regeneration while active. Adds 25% Mana Regen per point.4Mental Aegis-1
