This page is a guide on the process of creating a character and beginning to play Last Epoch.

The Class selection screen when first starting character creation.
Class Selection[]
After selecting Create New Character from the main menu you will be prompted to select a base Class.
Your choice of class will determine your:
- Passives and available masteries
- Skills
- Iconic equipment
- Starting attributes
- Physical appearance of character model
Mastery information[]
Each class has three masteries, each coming with a unique set of skills. These can be viewed in the header by clicking their name.
You will be able to create a name for your character, up to 20 characters long.
Optional Challenges[]
These challenges can be activated at will in order to make gameplay more challenging and less forgiving.
Hardcore Mode[]
Selecting this option will enable Hardcore Mode for this character. On death, a hardcore character is demoted to a softcore character, while also losing the "Deathless" flair on the character card.
Solo Challenge[]
Selecting this option will enable Solo Challenge for this character. Solo characters lose access to the player's shared stash, meaning that the player fends for himself, as long as the solo character is in play.
Makes the character a Masochist. The player and their minions have increased damage taken and reduced damage dealt.