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Heorot is a God Boss Non-Player Character. They are a prominent Story Character in the World of Eterra.


Concept art of Heorot


God of the north, master of the tundra wanderers, whose divine breath rises to the sky to form the aurora. He has taken the form of a massive white elk, his mane forever frozen over with the purest crystals of ice. His nature is kind and protective, leading his herd to fertile and bountiful land. Every generation he chooses a tribe of humans to follow with his herd and share in his wisdom, a Chieftain and a Champion raised from their numbers to be blessed by him.

Northlands Tribes[]

The people of the Northlands all align themselves to the migrations of the great elk herds. Each tribe follows three figures, the demigod offspring of Heorot who acts as a connection to the god, the chieftain who executes the law of the tribe, and a champion who acts as the tribe’s symbol of glory and strength. The greatest of the Northlands Tribes follow the same structure as the lesser tribes. Heorot himself acts as the spiritual leader, a High Chieftain dictates law that all the tribes must follow, and a Great Champion commands the tribes when they must unite against an outside force and acts as the paragon of the people of the north.

Rebellion of Morditas[]

Heorot’s eldest son Morditas rebelled against his father, seeing the idea of living to protect the humans as an insult. His followers roam the northern tundra, zealous berserkers and fierce half-elk half-men known as Wengari. The Wengari were followers of Heorot who resented not being chosen and so used magic to transform themselves as to mimic Heorot’s image, in an attempt to gain his favor. Heorot rejected them, however, seeing this act as obscene, driving many into aligning with the rebellion of Morditas.


In the Divine era, Rahyeh declares war on the gods in the World of Eterra, leading a massive skirmish with his armies from Solarum, targeting Heoborea and threatening the rest of the land. Rahyeh himself tests out the resolve of Heorot, bombarding him with fireballs, but he defends fiercely with frost shields. Eventually Rahyeh is bored of the stalemate and fatally wounds Heorot, leaving the deity on his own.

Having witnessed the battle, the Traveler also founds a desparate Yulia and tells her about the instructions from her future self: to retrieve the Lance of Heorot and gain the blessings of the other gods in order to defeat Rahyeh. Yulia leads them to Heoborea and instructs to find Grael, Heorot's champion, who has been hiding in the northern woods for the call of dire times. The Traveler manages to defeat Morditas's champion, Yrun encased in the Frostroot Warden, and with the Lance, they head out for the other gods.

In the meantime, Rahyeh's forces attack the pier south to Heoborea. The Traveler manages to dispose of the invasion leaders and holds the invaders back, but the rest of the forces already march on Thetima. After these deeds, Heorot summons the Traveler to his side and he gives his own blessing on the Lance with his remaining life, passing away. Heorot's magic disperses, but coats the surrounding area with a wintry snowfall and snowdrops.

In the Monolith of Fate[]

Heorot also appears as a final boss in the level 90 timeline, The Age of Winter.



Heorot himself is found in a large cylindrical arena with his Lance at hand. He can use it to summon frost magic of all kinds and employs powerful area abilities to zone the player.

Heorot can use the Lance to bash in melee or in a line, lash out with it to channel a freezing laser, or send out a piercing projectile. He can also stomp with it to cause a cascade of three explosions. Heorot can also call down ice explosions that form solid pillars, blocking movement and projectiles. This is helpful to evade his wandering ice orb that spits out icicles in all directions, dealing high damage. Heorot can also charge at the player. All abilities from Heorot can chill and freeze, impeding movement.

At 66% health, Heorot will engulf the arena in a blizzard that deals large cold damage. The snowstorm can be evaded by staying close to Heorot, greatly restricting the playing area. He will no longer use his icy orb from this point on, nonetheless he can still charge at the player, moving the safe area with him. Heorot's attacks retain their areas of effect.

At 50% health, Heorot calls for his fallen champions and encases himself in thick ice, becoming invulnerable. The spectres of Grael and Jormun come to life and attack the player: Grael can use his icy waves, while Jormun attacks close by a triad line of snow. He is attackable again after their fall.

At 25% health, Heorot becomes invulnerable again and he calls for the Sons of Artor, Ice Wolves that ambush the player from all sides of the circle. These continue to come after enough of them is killed, and Heorot will drop his icy shell to attack again. Heorot will continue attacking until he is downed.


  • So, you have chosen to become my enemy as well. (in the beginning of the fight)
  • This is a mercy! (upon casting his Ice Beam)
  • Shatter! (upon casting his Explosion)
  • Do not stand in my way! (upon casting his Stomp)
  • Behold the rage of winter! (upon casting his Blizzard)
  • Rise, my fallen champions, aid me! (upon calling for his champions)
  • Come, Sons of Artor, aid me! (upon calling for the Sons of Artor)
  • I take what I must to protect my people! (on defeat)

