Last Epoch Wiki

Journey to the Necropolis is a Main Quest.


Show/HideSpeak with the stranger that was waiting for you and Alric.

Status: In Progress

After escaping from the Maj'elka Waystation, you and Alric were teleported to the construction site of another artificial waypoint. In the distance, the Immortal Citadel looms at the top of the Eastern Mountains. A stranger is standing next to the portal and appears to have been waiting for you.

Show/HideEnter the Lower Sewers

Status: In Progress

Follow the stranger into the Lower Sewers.

The stranger that you met at the second artificial waypoint she said she will help you and Alric reach the Immortal Emperor to defeat him. She instructed you to meet her in the Necropolis of the Deep. Head into the Lower Sewers.

Location: The Lower Sewers

Show/HideSpeak with Alric.

Status: In Progress

Speak with Alric in the Lower Sewers

When you enter the Lower Sewers as the stranger instructed, you find that Alric is waiting off to the side to speak with you privately.

Location: The Lower Sewers

NPC: Alric

Show/HideMeet Alric in the aqueducts.

Status: In Progress

Find Alric in the Barren Aqueducts.

When you entered the Lower Sewers, Alric pulled you aside and asked you to meet up with him in the Barren Aqueducts. You traveled through the Lower Sewer, but when you reached the Aqueducts, all you found is blood and the signs of struggle.

Location: The Barren Aqueduct

Show/HideFollow the signs of combat and find Alric

Status: In Progress

Location: The Barren Aqueduct

NPC: Alric

Show/HideSave Alric from the Fallen Osprix!

Status: In Progress

Location: The Barren Aqueduct

NPC: Alric

Show/HideSpeak with Alric

Status: In Progress

Speak with Alric in the Barren Aqueducts.

You agreed to meet back up with Alric in the Barren Aqueducts, but when you arrived, you discovered Alric surrounded and fought off the grotesque bird creatures that appear to be a form of Osprix.

Speak with Alric to make sure he's okay.

Location: The Barren Aqueduct

NPC: Alric

Show/HideFind the Necropolis of the Deep.

Status: In Progress

Journey on to the Necropolis.

You have saved Alric from the Fallen Osprix. Continue on to the Necropolis to complete your mission and destroy the Immortal Emperor.

Location: The Barren Aqueduct

Show/HideFind Yulia's Shelter.

Status: In Progress

Inspect the area in the Necropolis.

After reuniting with Alric, you head towards the Necropolis as the stranger had instructed. You've reached a peaceful section of Necropolis that matches the description the stranger gave you.

Location: Necropolis of the Deep

NPC: Yulia

Show/HideSpeak with Yulia.

Status: In Progress

Speak the stranger in the Necropolis.

After reuniting with Alric, you head towards the Necropolis as the stranger had instructed. You've reached a peaceful section of Necropolis that matches the description the stranger gave you.

Speak with her.

Location: Yulia's Haven

NPC: Yulia


Status: Completed

After escaping from the Maj'elka Waystation, you and Alric were transported to the site of another artificial waypoint. In the distance, the Immortal Citadel looms at the top of the Eastern Mountains. A stranger was standing next to the portal and appeared to be waiting for you.

When you spoke with her, she said she would help you and Alric reach the Immortal Emperor and defeat him. She instructed you to meet her in the Necropolis of the Deep.

The Fallen Osprix abducted Alric, but you were able to free him and make your way to the Necropolis.

You reached a peaceful section of the Necropolis that matches the description the stranger gave you and spoke with her. She has devised a plan to defeat the Emperor.
