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Disambig This article is about the Mage skill. For Primalist skill triggered by Tempest Strike, see Lightning Bolt.

Lightning Blast is a Mage Spell Skill which is unlocked at level 1.

Skill Description[]

Hurl a bolt of lightning at the target

Attribute Effects

Intelligence: 4% increased damage per point

Skill Nodes[]

IconNode NameNode DescriptionMax PointsConnected Nodes
Arcing Power5% increased damage per point for each enemy the lightning has already chained to.7Final Spark-1
Blinding Light10% chance to blind on hit per point4Crackling Speed-4
Chain LightningChains up to 1 additional target per point. Adds 2 to mana cost per point.
You cannot hit the same enemy twice with one cast.
Lightning Blast cannot chain while you are out of mana.
4Initial Blast-2, Volatile Lightning-3 and Root-0
Charge RetentionThe damage increases granted by the Mortal Capacitor node on this tree last 25% longer per point.9Mortal Capacitor-2
Cloud Answer%17 chance per point for lightning to strike the locations you hit with lightning blast.
Lightning scales with increases to lightning damage and spell damage, but not with other nodes on this tree.
6Warding Bolt-3
Crackling Speed5% increased cast speed per point6Blinding Light-4 and Root-0
Final Spark40% increased damage per point to the last enemy hit if the lightning has chained the maximum number of times.8Volatile Lightning-1 and Arcing Power-1
Initial Blast18% increased damage per point to the first enemy hit.5Mana Spark-2 and Chain Lightning-2
Innate ConduitWhen you are out of mana lightning blast is free, but deals 15% less damage and cannot chain.1Protective Blast-1 and Root-0
Lasting ProtectionProtection buffs granted by the nodes of this tree last 25% longer per point.5Lightning Attunement-2
Lightning AttunementGain 30 lightning protection per point for 3 seconds on cast5Protective Blast-2, Lasting Protection-2 and Protective Focus-2
Mana SparkSubtracts 1 from mana cost per point. 4% increased damage per point to the first enemy hit.3Initial Blast-2
Mortal CapacitorGain 5% increased lightning damage per point for 3 seconds on cast. This increase does apply to the cast that granted it.3Warding Bolt-1, Charge Retention-2 and Powerful Blast-1
Powerful Blast10% increased damage per point.9Mortal Capacitor-1
Protective BlastGain 10 elemental protection per point for 3 seconds on cast.5Innate Conduit-1 and Lightning Attunement-2
Protective FocusProtection granted by the nodes of this tree are increased by 20% per point.4Lightning Attunement-2
Volatile LightningChains up to 1 additional target per point.
4% chance per point to shock yourself when you cast lightning blast (shock reduces tenacity and elemental protection by 100)
7Chain Lightning-3 and Final Spark-1
Warding Bolt30% chance to gain 5 ward per point on cast.5Cloud Answer-3, Mortal Capacitor-1 and Root-0
