Lunge is a Sentinel Melee Attack Skill which is unlocked at level 4.
Skill Description[]
Dash to a nearby enemy and strike it with your weapon. Cannot be used without a target. Costs more mana the further away the target is.
Attribute Effects
Strength: 4% increased damage per point
Dexterity: 4% increased damage per point
Additional Details[]
When you use Lunge, Shield Rush also goes on cooldown.
Skill Nodes[]
Icon | Node Name | Node Description | Max Points | Connected Nodes |
Ambush | 35% increased stun chance per allocated point. | 5 | Overwhelm (Lunge Node)-3, Rallying Blow-1 and Blade Stream-1 | |
Barbed Blades | You deal 20% increased damage per allocated point to enemies in your path. | 5 | Blade Stream-1 and Iron Vengeance-3 | |
Blade Stream | Lunge also strikes targets in your path on the way to the target. 66% increased cooldown duration. | 1 | Wound Revel-1, Shock and Steel-1, Barbed Blades-1, Storm Stream-1 and Ambush (Lunge Node)-1 | |
Blood Rush | 2 health gained on hit per allocated point. | 3 | Into the Fray-3 | |
Critical Mind | Restores 2 mana per allocated point when the final hit of lunge is a critical strike. | 2 | Reckless Lunge-3 | |
Deadly Aim | Adds 4% base critical strike chance per allocated point. | 4 | Root-0, Landsknecht-2 and Wound Revel-3 | |
Dispersal | Enemies in your path get knocked back by 2 meters per allocated point. | 2 | Storm Stream-2 | |
Double Strike | Lunge can have up to 1 additional charge. Adds 10 to the base mana cost. 50% reduced damage. | 1 | Into the Fray-3 | |
Dread Lance | Adds 15% to the base critical strike multiplier per allocated point. | 5 | Landsknecht-1 | |
Forge On | 15% increased armor and stun avoidance for 4 seconds after you complete the lunge. | 4 | Tactician-1 and Unstoppable-3 | |
Into the Fray | Lunge deals damage in a 30% larger area around the target per point. | 4 | Root-0, Double Strike-3 and Blood Rush-3 | |
Iron Onslaught | Increased damage by 5% for each 100 armor. Up to a maximum of 100%. | 1 | Overwhelm (Lunge Node)-4 | |
Iron Vengeance | You deal 2 additional physical damage per allocated point to enemies in your path. | 5 | Barbed Blades-3 | |
Landsknecht | Lunge requires a Spear. 50% increased mana efficiency. Adds 10% base critical strike chance to your hits with lunge. | 1 | Deadly Aim-2, Lunging Might-1 and Dread Lance-1 | |
Lunging Might | Adds 2 strength for 4 seconds after you complete the lunge per allocated point. | 4 | Tactician-2, Landsknecht-1 and Rallying Charge-2 | |
Overwhelm | 10% increased damage and stun chance per allocated point. | 8 | Root-0, Ambush (Lunge Node)-3 and Iron Onslaught-4 | |
Rallying Blow | 4 health gained on stun per allocated point. | 3 | Ambush (Lunge Node)-1 | |
Rallying Charge | Gain 50% increased Void and Elemental protection for 4 seconds after you complete the lunge. | 4 | Lunging Might-2 | |
Reckless Lunge | Adds 20% base Critical Hit Multiplier per allocated point. 20% increased damage taken while lunging per allocated point. | 5 | Wound Revel-1 and Critical Mind-3 | |
Shock and Steel | You deal 30% more damage per allocated point to enemies on full health in your path (multiplicative with other bonuses). | 4 | Blade Stream-1 | |
Storm Stream | Adds 5 to elemental protection for 4 seconds for each enemy hit while traveling. | 5 | Blade Stream-1 and Dispersal-2 | |
Tactician | 20% increased mana efficiency per point. 10% increased cooldown recovery speed per allocated point. | 5 | Root-0, Forge On-1 and Lunging Might-2 | |
Unstoppable | You are invincible while lunging. | 1 | Forge On-3 | |
Wound Revel | 5 health gained on critical strike per allocated point. | 3 | Deadly Aim-3, Reckless Lunge-1 and Blade Stream-1 |