Majasa is a God Non-Player Character. They are a prominent Story Character in the World of Eterra.
Majasa is the goddess of opulence and patron of the southern deserts. She has taken the shape of a colossal jewel covered serpent that dwells beneath the sands, the gems of her cobra-esque hood gleaming like a crown.
Majasa embodies wealth and prosperity. She created the Nagasa in the image of her body, blessing them with growth and an abundance of treasures, gaining a following. She is reclusive and reluctant to involve herself in the matters of humans, content to dwell in her temple when she is not venturing through the sands, her temple maidens acting as the intermediaries between her and her followers.
To preserve her powers, Majasa appoints a small group of devoted and most trusted women, the Vessel Maidens, whose bodies are consumed by her to renew her aging body, maintaining an eternal cycle of empowering.
Majasa emerges as a patronizing goddess by the Divine era, overlooking the southern sands around Maj'elka. In the solitude of her temple, she surrounds herself with an entire legion of Nagasa, who are sworn to protect her at any cost, continuing to display her symbol of opulence.
Presently, the Nagasan empire is on the verge of collapse, as the citizenry polarizes. Not only the Nagasa and the human inhabitants are discriminant towards each other, but external threats also ramp up tensions. From one side, Rahyeh marches with his Osprix to gain control, raiding caravans, while from another, a local militaristic group, the Scalebane is poised to take over the capital by force. Most distressed, the followers of Majasa desperately try to get in contact, but to no avail, and the outskirts of Maj'elka falls unto the hands of the Scalebane.
The Traveler arrives at Maj'elka and enlists the help of Zerrick, a mysterious rogue, so that the Scalebane are contained and the blessing of Majasa is obtained. The two successfully raid an Osprix war camp and use a flying mount to travel to Majasa's temple. In the meantime, Vessel Maiden Apophis plots an insurgency against her to stop the Vessel Maidens' cycle.
As the Traveler gets to the inner sanctums of the Temple, Apophis unveils her intentions and channels Void energies into the goddess, corrupting her mind and leaving her alone. The Traveler tries to reason with Majasa, but fails to do so, as she slowly succumbs to the pressure and turns animalistic and bloodthirsty, confronting them. In a prolonged fight, Majasa falls to the Traveler, bestowing her blessing on them, as she fades from life.
Majasa is a towering Gorgon, who can conjure crystals and use the power of the sands to debilitate her enemies. She is fought in two phases.
As the Goddess of Opulence, Majasa summons enormous crystals for most of her spells. She can shake the arena, causing exploding emeralds to burst into poison pools, send forward a wall of emeralds and rubies that pierce in a line, or pound the ground with sapphire that channels electricity forward. Majasa can also wind up to throw a flaming crystal that explodes in a large area, being her most devastating attack. Every now and then, Majasa will use her Gorgon powers to empower her gaze, turning anything to stone in a cone in front of her, shredding armor and immobilizing the target, if standing long enough in its wake.
At 66% and 33%, Majasa channels a debilitating sandstorm and summons three Essences that serve as essences related to wealth. These crystals repeatedly cast abilities and are vulnerable to melee:
- Essence of Opulence: white crystal in the north, casts lightning bolts
- Essence of Avarice: red crystal in the west, casts barrages of fireballs
- Essence of Greed: green crystal in the south, casts whirling poisons
Majasa continues casting her abilities after the Essences are summoned. When her health is depleted, she transforms and the second phase begins, gaining new abilities and losing old ones (except for her stone gaze).
As the Goddess of Avarice, Majasa becomes much more aggressive, keeping close to the player and using physical abilities swiftly. She can lunge forward, flurry up-front, or swipe in a large area, capable of shredding armor and physical resistance. Majasa can also hurl damaging blood pools, which she can also recollect and suck into herself for a large blood explosion. She can also continue using her stone gaze with great effect.
When losing a sufficient amount of health, Majasa will open three coffins on the edge of the arena, sucking blood out of them and refilling a large amount of health. She is very vulnerable in this state, providing a brief window of damaging before she returns to casting abilities.
Once down, Majasa will succumb and her body evaporates, leaving a large pool of blood behind and dropping some rare loot.