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Last Epoch Wiki

Mana Strike is a Mage Melee Attack Skill which is unlocked at level 6.

Skill Description[]

A melee attack that hits all enemies in an area in front of you, returning 15 mana if it hits an enemy

Attribute Effects

Intelligence: 4% increased damage per point
Dexterity: 4% increased damage per point

Skill Nodes[]

Skill Nodes List
Icon Name Description Max Points
ReaperFormIcon Mana Spark Add base lightning damage equal to 5% of your current mana per point. 3
SummonValeSpiritIcon Celestial Precision Subtracts 5% from critical chance. Adds critical chance equal to 10% of your current mana. 1
LightningBlastIcon Spark Charges 25% chance per point to attach a spark charge on hit. Spark charges explode after 0.7 seconds, dealing lightning damage to nearby enemies. Spark charges automatically detonate when the enemy they are attached to dies. Static charges do not grant mana on hit. 4
EphemeralStanceIcon Critical Mana 3 mana gained on critical hit per point. 5
Eterra'sBlessingIcon Critical Rejuvenation 40% additional critical strike chance. Your critical hits with mana strike do not deal additional damage. 1
AbyssalEchoesIcon Sprite Blade 30% Increased area of effect per point. 5
FocusIcon Mana Drain 3 Additional mana gained on hit per point. 4
ChargedGroundIcon Tidal Mana Doubles mana gained on hit. Adds a 4 second cooldown. 1
FireShieldIcon Crippling Strikes Mana Strike reduces tenacity by 25 per point for 4 seconds on hit. 8
SummonSprigganIcon Repulsing Strikes 34% chance to knockback with Mana Strike per point. 3
Swipe(Blue)Icon Swift Strikes %6 increased attack speed per point 5
RodOfPower(Purple)Icon Rage Sap 7% Global increased damage if you have hit an enemy with mana strike in the past 4 seconds. 5
HungeringSoulIcon Starved Strikes 25% increased damage per point while out of mana 4
TeleportIcon Teleporting Strikes The arc of lightning created by your weapon teleports to the target location, allowing you to attack from range. 70% reduced mana gained on hit. 1
FireballIcon Rune Sap Gain 4% increased spell damage per allocated point for each enemy hit for 4 seconds. 3
KillCommandIcon Bountiful Victory 3 mana gained on kill per point. 5
AssembleAbominationIcon Avatar of Hunger Mana Strike absorbs 1 less mana per point on hit. 30% increased damage per point while out of mana. 5
ReclamationIcon Reclamation 5 additional mana gained on hit per point while you are out of mana. 3
ShatterStrikeIcon Explosive Fury 4% increased attack speed per point. Lightning from Mana Storm drains 20% less mana per point. 2
InnervateIcon Essence of Control Lightning from Mana Storm drains 20% less mana per point. 3
