Orobyss is a God Non-Player Character. They are a prominent Story Character in the World of Eterra.
Orobyss is a mysterious entity commonly associated by the Void, and the embodiment of madness, despair and oblivion: the dark end of all things. His existence is not confirmed, however he is feared and is frequently mentioned by those who have fallen under the Void's influence. Among those that remain in this shattered world some claim there is a purpose to this chaos, a grand design that rules over the ruin of the world and directs the darkness of the Void.
The Void is thought to be Orobyss's influence, power and lifeforce in tandem: a formless material that seeps into existence and bends them to their own will. The lasting effect of the Void devoids anything of life, but other living things are instead preserved and warped. In the end, it is destined that nothing but the Void remains.
Ruined Era[]
In 1290 AG, the Void enters the world of Eterra and consumes all but a little remnant of untouched area, led by the remaining humans in existence. It is unknown how the Void or Orobyss came to be, nonetheless the voice of the Epoch states "he is free", when the Traveller reforms the Epoch and travels forward to the End of Time.
The End of Time[]
Avatars of Orobyss continue to exist in timelines at the End of Time, where his numberless shades work on bringing oblivion closer and closer. His shades seem to contaminate and disrupt the flow of time, as defeating them would not propel time forward, but instead reverts it back, only to leave their nigh irreversible marks of corruption.