Last Epoch Wiki

Osprix are one of the Races in the World of Eterra.


Osprix are humanoid, birdlike creatures, who live to bear arms and wage war. They follow the god of fire, Rahyeh, who in return shares his aspect and the glory of the sun with them. They are of an arrogant and disciplined nature, serving in Rahyeh's grand army with armor crafted in the mighty forges under the mountains. The Osprix's main home is Solarum, in the Mountains of the Sun.

The Osprix harness the power of fire and craftsmanship. Talented can even conjure living fire that are given a metallic body to live autonomously, such as cages and containers, but even gigantic siege golems, that alone can devastate small battalions. The higher echelons of the Osprix are also deeply knowledgeable in the magics of light, becoming lightmages, or even pontifices.

Using their capabilities to their fullest, the Osprix can swarm from the city of Solarum in the thousands, laying siege on entire settlements and exploiting their surroundings.

The Osprix also collect humans, who are willing to further the military might and agressive nature of the Osprix, typically serving in lower ranks. Outsiders, such as mercenaries from Skalnir also join their effort in order to destabilize and pillage the land.


Divine era[]

In the Divine era, the Osprix god Rahyeh declares war on the other deities of Eterra, mobilizing his grand army and cult and unleashing a massive invasion on Eterra. Hungering for their power and control, Rahyeh also seeks out to collect the Shards of the Epoch, with which he could exert absolute control over time and reshape it in his own will.

In the Ulatri Cliffs, a contingent under the lead of Haruspex Orian finds a fleeing group carrying a Shard, who manage to hide it just before they are all devastated, and their leader (Keeper Leena) is imprisoned. Much to his dismay, a traveler fights through Orian's outposts and eventually defeats him, scurrying away with the Shard.

The loss of the Shard however doesn't stop Rahyeh, as he himself descends on the patron of the Northern lands, Heorot. After a fireball barrage, Rahyeh deals a final blow on the god, fatally wounding him and eventually leaving the region without divine protection, while his army continues to march against Heoborea. Despite, the dying Heorot is aided by the Traveller from future times, who deliver him his sacred lance. Heorot blesses the weapon and hands it to the Traveller, laying the future of him and his people in their hands.

In the central lands, the Osprix war machine powers through the land, marching towards Thetima and the temple of Lagon, led by Pontifex Aurelus. The invasion effort is however halted by the organized Lagonian defenses, as the main leaders of the invasion and Pontifex Aurelus are dealt with by the Traveller. As a consequence, the siege stations at Etendell are levelled, and the Osprix army is pushed back for a second time.

Imperial era[]

In the Imperial era, the Osprix are a shadow of their former glory. At one time, the Immortal Emperor founds his empire throughout Eterra, reducing the living's influence to rubble and building his immortal legions. By 1005 AG, the Emperor pushes the Osprix out of Solarum and builds the Immortal Citadel in their own city, an operations and government center. Those fortunate enough to survive the purge are destined to live in the desolate areas of the Mountains of the Sun, away from the undead threat, dealing with decay and suffering.

Ruined era[]

By 1290 AG, a mysterious entity called The Void infiltrates Eterra and floods the land, devouring and consuming anything it encounters. It is not known if the Osprix have survived the alien devastation.
