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Rip Blood is a Acolyte Spell Skill which is unlocked at level 1.

Skill Description[]

Rips blood out of a target enemy dealing physical damage to it. An orb of the blood is drawn back to you, restoring 10 health when it reaches you.

Attribute Effects

Intelligence: 4% increased damage and healing effectiveness per point

Skill Nodes[]

IconNode NameNode DescriptionMax PointsConnected Nodes
Arcane AbsorptionYou gain 5% increased spell damage per allocated point for 4 seconds when you hit an enemy with Rip Blood.4Root, Rip Spirit-1 and Run Dry-1
Arcane FortressThe orb of blood created by Rip Blood no longer restores health, but instead grants ward equal to half the health it would have restored. Being at or close to full health does not affect the amount of the ward the orb grants.1Rip Spirit-1
Attuned VeinsThe health restored by the orb of blood created by Rip Blood is increased by 4% for each point of Attunement.1Quenching-4
Blood CatalystRip Blood no longer creates an orb of blood, and so can no longer return health, ward, or mana. If Rip Blood kills a target it is cast again for free at a near target near the dead one. This new cast can itself trigger an additional cast if it kills its target. This effect cannot trigger while you are out of mana.1Run Dry-4
Carrion HungerRip Blood is free when you are out of mana. Rip Blood cannot cause a Blood Splatter when you are out of mana.1Thirst-2
Gushing WoundRip Blood has 20% additional chance to cause bleeding per allocated point.5Hemomancer-2 and Septic Wound-1
Hemomancer6% increased cast speed per point.5Quenching-1, Gushing Wound-2, Thirst-3, Stench of Blood-3 and Root-0
Mana FeastThe orb of blood created by Rip Blood restores 2 mana per allocated point.3Quenching-2
Marrow DrinkerRip Blood targets and damages your minions instead of enemies. The health restored by the orb of blood created by Rip Blood is increased by 100%. Blood Splatter still functions as normal.1Quenching-3
Necrotic InspirationRip Blood deals 1.5% increased damage for each minion you currently control.2Run Dry-3
QuenchingThe orb of blood created by Rip Blood restores 3 additional health per allocated point.6Hemomancer-1, Mana Feast-2, Attuned Veins-4 and Marrow Drinker-3
Rip SpiritThe base physical damage dealt by Rip Blood and Blood Splatter is converted to necrotic damage. Consequently this damage scales with increases to necrotic damage, but not with increases to physical damage.1Arcane Absorption-1 and Arcane Fortress-1
Run DryRip Blood deals 15% increased damage per allocated point.8Arcane Absorption-1, Necrotic Inspiration-3 and Blood Catalyst-4
Septic BloodBlood Splatter has 20% additional chance per allocated point to poison on hit. This has no effect on the poison chance of Rip Blood.5Gushing Wound-1
Septic WoundBleed chance added by the Gushing Wound node is converted to poison chance.1Gushing Wound-1 and Septic Blood-1
Stench of BloodRip Blood leaves a stench on the target enemy that causes your minions to prioritize attacking it.1Hemomancer-3
ThirstSubtracts 1 from mana cost per allocated point. 5% increased cast speed per allocated point. Rip Blood and Blood Splatter deal 5% reduced damage per allocated point.5Hemomancer-3 and Carrion Hunger-2
Skill Nodes List
Icon Name Description Max Points
Hemomancer Hemomancer 6% increased cast speed per point. 5
Stench of Blood Stench of Blood Rip Blood leaves a stench on the target enemy that causes your minions to prioritise attacking it. 1
Quenching Quenching The orb of blood created by Rip Blood restores 3 additional health per point. 6
Attuned Veins Attuned Veins The health restored by the orb of blood created by Rip Blood is increased by 4% for each point of Attunement. 1
Marrow Drinker Marrow Drinker Rip Blood targets and damages your minions instead of enemies. The health restored by the orb of blood created by Rip Blood is increased by 100%. Blood Splatter still functions as normal. 1
Mana Feast Mana Feast The orb of blood created by Rip Blood restores 2 mana per point. 3
Gushing Wound Gushing Wound Rip Blood has 20% additional chance to cause bleeding per point. 5
Septic Wound Septic Wound Bleed chance added by the Gushing Wound node is converted to poison chance. 1
Septic Blood Septic Blood Blood Splatter has 20% additional chance per point to poison on hit. This has no effect on the poison chance of Rip Blood. 5
Thirst Thirst Subtracts 1 from mana cost per point. Rip Blood and Blood Splatter deal 5% reduced damage per point. 3
Carrion Hunger Carrion Hunger Rip Blood is free when you are out of mana. Rip Blood cannot cause a Blood Splatter while you are out of mana. 1
Arcane Absorption Arcane Absorption You gain 5% increased spell damage per point for 4 seconds when you hit an enemy with Rip Blood. 4
Rip Spirit Rip Spirit The base physical damage dealt by Rip Blood and Blood Splatter is converted to necrotic damage. Consequently this damage scales with increases to necrotic damage, but not increases to physical damage. 1
Arcane Fortress Arcane Fortress The orb of blood created by Rip Blood no longer restores health, but instead grants ward equal to half the health it would have restored. Being at or close to full health does not affect the amount of ward the orb grants. 1
Run Dry Run Dry Rip Blood deals 15% increased damage per point. 8
Blood Catalyst Blood Catalyst Rip Blood no longer creates an orb of blood, and so can no longer return health, ward or mana. If Rip Blood kills a target it is cast again for free at a new target near the dead one. This new cast can itself trigger an additional cast if it kills its target. This effect cannot trigger while you are out of mana. 1
Necrotic Inspiration Necrotic Inspiration Rip Blood deals 1.5% increased damage per point for each minion you currently control. 1
Splatter Blood Splatter Blood 17% chance per point to cause Blood Splatter to splatter out and hit nearby enemies, but not the target. Blood Splatter has physical base damage similar to half the initial hit. Added damage applies at 50% effectiveness to Blood Splatter. Nodes on this tree do not apply to Blood Splatter unless stated otherwise. Hitting or killing an enemy with Blood Splatter does not count as hitting or killing an enemy with Rip Blood. 6
Crimson Flood Crimson Flood Blood Splatter has 25% increased area per point. 7
Blood Infusion Blood Infusion Your minions that are hit by the blood splatter gain the Blood Infusion buff for 4 seconds. Blood Infusion grants 30% increased damage. Allies cannot have multiple instances of Blood Infusion at once. 1
Infused Frenzy Infused Frenzy Blood Infusion also grants 10% increased attack and cast speed per point. 3
Hemophagy Hemophagy Blood Infusion also grants 10% of physical damage leeched as health per point. 3
Necrotic Unity Necrotic Unity Blood Splatter deals 2% increased damage per point for each minion you currently control. 2
Eviscerate Eviscerate Adds 6 to mana cost. Hitting an enemy with Rip Blood causes Blood Splatter to splatter out and hit nearby enemies, but not the target. Blood Splatter has physical base damage similar to half the initial hit. Added damage applies at 50% effectiveness to Blood Splatter. Nodes on this tree do not apply to Blood Splatter unless stated otherwise. Hitting or killing an enemy with Blood Splatter does not count as hitting or killing an enemy with Rip Blood. 1
Corrosive Blood Corrosive Blood Blood Splatter has a 30% chance to apply the Corrosive Blood debuff on hit. Corrosive Blood reduces armor by 30. Enemies cannot have multiple instances of Corrosive Blood at once. 1
Deep Corrosion Deep Corrosion Corrosive Blood reduces armor by an additional 30 per point. 5
Spirit Decay Spirit Decay Corrosive Blood no longer reduces armore, but instead reduces necrotic protection. 1
Endless Corrosion Endless Corrosion Corrosive Blood's debuff lasts 30% longer per point. 3
Acidic Mastery Acidic Mastery 18% additional chance per point to apply Corrosive Blood on hit. 4
Tides of Blood Tides of Blood Corrosive Blood has 60% reduced effect, but enemies can have multiple instances of the Corrosive Blood debuff at once. 1
Revile Revile Blood Splatter deals 15% increased damage per point, and has 15% increased stun chance per point. 8
