Shield Rush is a Sentinel Melee Attack Skill which is unlocked at Passives level 10.
Skill Description[]
Requires a shield. Charge through enemies in the target direction. You hit enemies in your path and in a wider area at the end of the movement. You do not regenerate mana while rushing.
Attribute Effects
Strength: 4% increased damage per point
Additional Details[]
When you use Shield Rush, Lunge also goes on cooldown.
Skill Tree[]
Hover over skill nodes for their descriptions |
This is an interactive display of the Shield Rush skill tree. Hovering over a node icon will give a description of the skill node. |
Icon | Node Name | Node Description | Max Points | Connected Nodes |
Consuming Path | You deal 25% increased damage to enemies in your path per point. | 6 | Root-0, Dark Rush-2, Will Breaker-3 and Descent of the Void-2 | |
Critical Echo | The second wider hit has 4% additional critical strike chance per point. | 2 | Echoes of the Charge-1 and Obliterating Echo-1 | |
Critical Rush | The wider hit at the end of Shield Rush has 4% additional critical strike chance per point. | 2 | Warrior's Entrance-3 and Obliterating Rush-1 | |
Dark Regression | 10% increased mana cost. When your Shield Rush ends you create a Void Beam that travels back in the direction you came from. | 1 | Descent of the Void-1 | |
Dark Rush | 30% increased mana cost. Shield rush no longer requires a shield. Adds 5 void damage to your hits with shield rush. | 1 | Consuming Path-2, Temporal Strike-1 and Void Breaker-1 | |
Descent of the Void | 20% increased mana cost. When you use shield rush you create a void beam that travels forward with you. | 1 | Consuming Path-2 | |
Desynchronous Charge | When sheild rush ends you are returned to the location you used it from. | 1 | Rush Mastery-2 and Mana Memory-1 | |
Echoes of the Charge | The wider hit at the end of Shield Rush deals 20% reduced damage. 0.5 seconds after your Shield Rush ends there's a second wider hit, which benefits from the nodes that increase the power of the first wider hit. | 1 | Warrior's Entrance-2, Stretched Time-1 and Critical Echo-1 | |
Endless Cycle | 15% increased damage taken per allocated point while using shield rush. Shield rush can have up to 1 additional charge per allocated point. | 4 | Mana Memory-1 | |
Mana Memory | Adds a 10 second cooldown. When shield rush finished your mana is restored to the amount you had when it started. | 1 | Desynchronous Charge-1, The Rush of Sacrifice-1 and Endless Cycle-1 | |
Obliterating Echo | The second wider hit has 40% additional critical strike multiplier per point. | 2 | Critical Echo-1 | |
Obliterating Rush | The wider hit at the end of Shield Rush has 40% additional critical strike multiplier per allocated point. | 2 | Critical Rush-1 | |
Protective Speed | You take 10% less damage per allocated point while using shield rush. | 2 | Rush Mastery-3 and Unstoppable Charge-1 | |
Rush Mastery | 20% increased mana efficiency per point. | 6 | Root-0, Desynchronous Charge-2 and Protective Speed-2 | |
Splintering Impact | The wider hit at the end of Shield Rush deals 20% increased damage per point. | 8 | Warrior's Entrance-1 | |
Stretched Time | The delay before the second wider hit is delayed by 20% per point. The second wider hit deals 45% increased damage per point. | 5 | Echoes of the Charge-1 | |
Temporal Strike | Shield rush deals 8 additional void damage with hits per point. This damage is reduced by your increased attack speed (but cannot go below 0) | 4 | Dark Rush-1 | |
The Rush of Sacrifice | You lose 15% of your current health when you use shield rush. Shield Rush does not have a cooldown. | 1 | Mana Memory-1 | |
Unstoppable Charge | Shield Rush has 35% increased stun chance while moving per allocated point. | 5 | Protective Speed-1 | |
Void Breaker | The wider hit at the end of shield rush deals 10 additional void damage. | 2 | Dark Rush-1 | |
Warrior's Entrance | The wider hit at the end of Shield Rush has 35% increased area of effect per point. | 4 | Root-0, Splintering Impact-1, Critical Rush-3 and Echoes of the Charge-2 | |
Will Breaker | You deal 30% more damage per allocated point to enemies on full health in your path. | 4 | Consuming Path-3 |