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Shield Rush is a Sentinel Melee Attack Skill which is unlocked at Passives level 10.

Skill Description[]

Requires a shield. Charge through enemies in the target direction. You hit enemies in your path and in a wider area at the end of the movement. You do not regenerate mana while rushing.

Attribute Effects

Strength: 4% increased damage per point

Additional Details[]

When you use Shield Rush, Lunge also goes on cooldown.

Skill Tree[]

Hover over skill nodes for their descriptions
Stretched Time: The delay before the second wider hit is delayed by 20% per point. The second wider hit deals 45% increased damage per point.Obliterating Echo: The second wider hit has 40% increased critical strike multiplier per point.Obliterating Rush: The wider hit at the end of Shield Rush has 40% additional critical strike multiplier.Critical Echo: The second wider hit has 4% additional critical strike chance per point.Echoes of the Charge: The wider hit at the end of Shield Rush deals 20% reduced damage. 0.5 seconds after your Shield Rush ends there's a second wider hit, which benefits from the nodes that increase the power of the first wider hit.Critical Rush: The Wider hit at the end of Shield Rush has 4% additional critical strike chance per point.Dark Regression: 10% increased mana cost. When your Shield Rush ends you create a Void Beam that travels back in the direction you came from. The Void Beam is a spell that deals void damage over time in an area.Splintering Impact: The wider hit at the end of Shield Rush deals 20% increased damage per point.Warrior's Entrance: The wider hit at the end of Shield Rush has 35% increased area of effect per point.Descent of the Void: 20% increased mana cost. When you use Shield Rush you create a Void Beam that travels forward with you. The Void Beam is a spell that deals void damage over time in an area.Unstoppable Charge: Shield Rush has 35% increased stun chance while moving per point.Will Breaker: You deal 30% more damage per point to enemies on full health in your path.Protective Speed: You take 10% less damage per point while using Shield Rush.Rush Mastery: 20% increased mana efficiency per point.Consuming Path: You deal 25% increased damage per point to enemies in your path.Void Breaker: The wider hit at the end of Shield Charge deals 5 additional void damage per point.Dark Rush: 30% increased mana cost. Shield Rush no longer requires a shield. Adds 5 void damage to your hits with Shield Rush.Desynchronous Charge: When Shield Rush ends you are returned to the location you used it from.Temporal Strike: Shield Rush deals 8 additional void damage per point with hits. This damage is reduced by your increased attack speed (but cannot go below 0).The Rush of Sacrifice: You lose 15% of your current health when using Shield Rush. Shield Rush does not have a cooldown.Endless Cycle: 15% increased damage taken per point while using Shield Rush. Shield Rush can have up to one additional charge per point.Mana Memory: Adds a 10 second cooldown. When Shield Rush finishes your mana is restored to the amount you had when it started.We're sorry, but we could not display the visual skill tree. Please try refreshing your browser, or use the skills list below.
About this image
This is an interactive display of the Shield Rush skill tree. Hovering over a node icon will give a description of the skill node.
IconNode NameNode DescriptionMax PointsConnected Nodes
Consuming PathYou deal 25% increased damage to enemies in your path per point.6Root-0, Dark Rush-2, Will Breaker-3 and Descent of the Void-2
Critical EchoThe second wider hit has 4% additional critical strike chance per point.2Echoes of the Charge-1 and Obliterating Echo-1
Critical RushThe wider hit at the end of Shield Rush has 4% additional critical strike chance per point.2Warrior's Entrance-3 and Obliterating Rush-1
Dark Regression10% increased mana cost. When your Shield Rush ends you create a Void Beam that travels back in the direction you came from.1Descent of the Void-1
Dark Rush30% increased mana cost. Shield rush no longer requires a shield. Adds 5 void damage to your hits with shield rush.1Consuming Path-2, Temporal Strike-1 and Void Breaker-1
Descent of the Void20% increased mana cost. When you use shield rush you create a void beam that travels forward with you.1Consuming Path-2
Desynchronous ChargeWhen sheild rush ends you are returned to the location you used it from.1Rush Mastery-2 and Mana Memory-1
Echoes of the ChargeThe wider hit at the end of Shield Rush deals 20% reduced damage. 0.5 seconds after your Shield Rush ends there's a second wider hit, which benefits from the nodes that increase the power of the first wider hit.1Warrior's Entrance-2, Stretched Time-1 and Critical Echo-1
Endless Cycle15% increased damage taken per allocated point while using shield rush. Shield rush can have up to 1 additional charge per allocated point.4Mana Memory-1
Mana MemoryAdds a 10 second cooldown. When shield rush finished your mana is restored to the amount you had when it started.1Desynchronous Charge-1, The Rush of Sacrifice-1 and Endless Cycle-1
Obliterating EchoThe second wider hit has 40% additional critical strike multiplier per point.2Critical Echo-1
Obliterating RushThe wider hit at the end of Shield Rush has 40% additional critical strike multiplier per allocated point.2Critical Rush-1
Protective SpeedYou take 10% less damage per allocated point while using shield rush.2Rush Mastery-3 and Unstoppable Charge-1
Rush Mastery20% increased mana efficiency per point.6Root-0, Desynchronous Charge-2 and Protective Speed-2
Splintering ImpactThe wider hit at the end of Shield Rush deals 20% increased damage per point.8Warrior's Entrance-1
Stretched TimeThe delay before the second wider hit is delayed by 20% per point. The second wider hit deals 45% increased damage per point.5Echoes of the Charge-1
Temporal StrikeShield rush deals 8 additional void damage with hits per point. This damage is reduced by your increased attack speed (but cannot go below 0)4Dark Rush-1
The Rush of SacrificeYou lose 15% of your current health when you use shield rush. Shield Rush does not have a cooldown.1Mana Memory-1
Unstoppable ChargeShield Rush has 35% increased stun chance while moving per allocated point.5Protective Speed-1
Void BreakerThe wider hit at the end of shield rush deals 10 additional void damage.2Dark Rush-1
Warrior's EntranceThe wider hit at the end of Shield Rush has 35% increased area of effect per point.4Root-0, Splintering Impact-1, Critical Rush-3 and Echoes of the Charge-2
Will BreakerYou deal 30% more damage per allocated point to enemies on full health in your path.4Consuming Path-3
