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Shield Throw is a Sentinel Throwing Attack Skill which is unlocked at Passives level 15.

Skill Description[]

Throws a shield at a target enemy. The shield ricochets to up to 2 additional targets before returning to you.

The cooldown starts when the shield returns to you.

Attribute Effects

Strength: 4% increased damage per point
Dexterity: 4% increased damage per point

Additional Details[]

The shield hits all enemies in its path, even those it does no ricochet from.

Added Throwing Attack Damage is applied at 200% effectiveness.

Skill Nodes[]

This skill does not yet have a skill tree.

The skill tree offers a variety of cooldown reduction, enabling permanent usage. Furthemore a fire damage branch, attackspeed and crit branches, a defensive % armour branch and the ability to bounce to allies, healing them and granting elemental resist and a way to scale damage of your block chance.
