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Spell Skills are one of the Skill Types. All spell skills take time to cast which is influenced by Cast Speed and the skills base cast time.

Known Modifiers[]

Character Stats[]


  • Increased Spell Damage
  • Increased Spell Damage on Potion Use

Equipment Implicits[]

  • Most Wands have spell modifiers

List of Spell Skills[]

IconSkill NameSkill DescriptionSkill TypeMana CostCooldownLevel UnlockedClass
[[File:Swarmblade FormTransform into an agile Swarmblade, increasing your melee capabilities, and gaining 4 new abilities. Your mana is replaced with Rage while in swarmblade form. When your Rage reaches 0 you automatically transform back into your human form, instantly regaining 50 mana. Your starting Rage is equal to your maximum mana. Rage slowly decays over time at a constant rate.Spell0615Druid
AbyssalEchoesIconAbyssal EchoesA nova that echos from enemies it hits and applies Abyssal Decay. Enemies with Abyssal Decay take Void Damage over time for 6 seconds, if they take a hit all the damage from Abyssal Decay is dealt to them immediately.Spell3510Void Knight
AnomalyIconAnomalyCombo skill that first sends enemies forward in time by 5 seconds. Reactivate the skill to bring those enemies back to your timeline early.Spell01230Void Knight
AvalancheIconAvalancheChannel to summon the might of winter and pummel your foes in ice and snow. You have no Mana Regen while channeling. Initial Mana cost can not be reduced below 1.Spell120Shaman
BearRoarIconBear RoarThe companion ability of your Primal Bear. Releases a mighty roar, taunting enemies around it and healing it for 50 health for each enemy taunted.Spell4012Companions
BlackHoleIconBlack HoleSummon a powerful black hole at target location that aggressively pulls enemies and deals high damage.Spell351440Sorcerer
BoneCurseIconBone CurseApply a curse to enemies in an area for 8 seconds that causes physical damage when hit. The damage is tripled if you inflicted the hit yourself.Spell168Acolyte
DeathSealIconDeath SealToggle to remove all Ward and seal your Health preventing it from going above its current value for 5 seconds. Deal more damage equal to your percent missing Health and take less damage equal to half your percent missing Health Reactivate to unleash a Wave of Death dealing damage based on how long Death Seal has been active and your current percent missing HealthSpell1530Lich
DefaultArcane AscendanceToggle to prevent movement and drain 25 Mana each second.[Mana drain increases by 1 Mana per second. All Spells cost +5 Mana to cast. 100% Increased Spell Damage and 50% Increased Cast Speed. Also deals Lightning Damage over time to surrounding areas.Spell1530Sorcerer
DefaultEarth SpikesA spell that deals Physical damage, triggered by Primalist's Tempest Strike.SpellTempest Strike
DefaultRampageThe Companion ability of your Primal Raptor.
Sends your raptor into a rampage. Your raptor gains 40% Increased Melee Attack Speed, Increased Cast Speed, Increased Movement Speed, Increased Damage, and size for 5 seconds.
DevouringOrbIconDevouring OrbCreates a devouring orb at the target location that casts a void rift whenever something dies nearby, dealing void damage to enemies nearby the orb. Each successive rift has 12% increased damage and area of effect, capped at an increase of 100%Spell10415Void Knight
DisintegrateIconDisintegrateChannel to create a beam of pure energy in the target direction. The beam deals fire and lightning damage to all enemies caught in it.
Channel Cost of 10 mana per second.
DreadShadeIconDread ShadeTarget minion takes 3% max Health per second for each second the shade has been active, but it and minions around it deal 25% more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).Spell2830Necromancer
ElementalNovaIconElemental NovaCasts a nova around you that deals fire, cold and lightning damage. All types of Elemental Nova that you have enabled have an equal chance to be cast.Spell114Mage
EnchantWeaponIcon(new)Enchant WeaponActive: Enchant your weapon with elemental power. Your Melee Attacks deal 50% more Elemental Damage for 5 seconds. Passive: Your Melee attacks deal 15% more Elemental Damage.Spell201515Spellblade
EntanglingRootsIconEntangling RootsCalls forth roots from the ground that snare nearby enemies and deal physical damage to them over time.Spell6035Druid
EphemeralStanceIconEphemeral StanceToggles ephemeral stance. While in ephemeral stance you deal 70% increased Physical Damage and Void Damage, but lose 7% of your current Health when you use a skill and lose 37% more Mana from Mana drain effects. You can only have one stance active at once.Spell0118Sentinel
EterrasBlessing(New)Eterra's BlessingThe nearest allied target is healed for 100 Health. If the target is one of your Minions then the healing is tripled and the Minion is energized for 4 seconds, increasing its size by 20% and its damage by 100%.Spell325Primalist
FireballIconFireballCast a ball of fire towards the target. Added spell damage applies at 125% effectivenessSpell32Mage
FireShieldIconFire AuraDeals fire damage in an area around you. Can be converted to cold or lightning.Spell
FireShieldIconFire ShieldSurrounds you with a protective shield for 14 seconds that grants 100 elemental protection and has 20% chance to retaliate with a fire blast when you are hit. Can be cast instantly.Spell1919
FlameWardIconFlame WardGrants a burst of 400 Ward. Then for 3 seconds, hits deal 30% less damage to you and cause a retaliatory burst of flames.Spell197Mage
FocusIconFocusHold ability key to channel. While channeling you have 100% Increased Mana Regeneration and gain 10 Ward per second. After channeling for exactly one second you gain a burst of 30 Mana and Ward.Spell0320Mage
GlacierIconGlacierCreates three successively larger ice explosions in the target direction. Each explosion deals more damage than the last.Spell655Mage
HealingHandIconHealing HandHeals all allies in a target areaSpell115Paladin
HealingWindSprigganIconHealing WindThe companion ability of your Spriggan. Heals all allies in a large area over time.Spell164Companions
HolyAuraIconHoly AuraYou and nearby allies passively have 30% Increased Damage and 15% Elemental Resistance. Activating Holy Aura doubles the stat bonuses for 4 seconds.Spell3010Paladin
HowlIconHowlThe companion ability of your Primal Wolves.
Your wolves howl to embolden you and your minions giving them Frenzy and 50% increased damage for 3 seconds.
HungeringSoulIconHungering SoulsCalls forth five hungering souls that seek out enemies, on hit they deal necrotic damage and then possesses the target. Possessed enemies take necrotic damage over time for 1.5 seconds. Enemies cannot be possessed by multiple souls at once.Spell115Acolyte
IceBarrage(new)IconIce BarrageOpens a rift that repeatedly shoots a barrage of ice shards in a target direction for 5 seconds.Spell50315Sorcerer
IceThornsIconIce ThornsRemoved in 1.0!!! Releases a burst of homing ice thorns, that deal Physical Damage and Cold Damage on hit and have a Freeze Rate of 18.Spell52Primalist
IceWardIconIce WardToggles a protective shield that chills nearby enemies and grants 4 ward per second, but drains 3 mana per second. Can be cast instantly.Spell0120
InfernalShadeIconInfernal ShadeTarget enemy and all nearby enemies take fire damage per second. Each enemy can only have one Infernal SHade attached at a time. Expires after 5 seconds. Max 4 active shades.Spell2120Acolyte
InnervateIconInnervateGrants 50 ward and grants 100% increased mana efficiency for 5 seconds. Can be cast instantly.Spell01230
InnervateIconLightning BoltA spell that deals lightning damage, triggered by Primalist's Tempest Strike.SpellTempest Strike
JuggernautStanceIconJuggernaut StanceToggles Juggernaut Stance. While in Juggernaut Stance you have 50% more Armor and take 15% less damage, but have 15% less Critical Strike Chance, Movement Speed, less Attack Speed and Cast Speed. You can only have one stance active at once.Spell0119Sentinel
LightningBlastIconLightning BlastHurl a bolt of lightning at the targetSpell31Mage
MaelstromIconMaelstromSurrounds you with a freezing Maelstrom that deals Cold Damage over time to nearby enemies.
Can be cast repeatedly to create multiple Maelstroms at once. Each Maelstrom lasts 8 seconds.
MarkForDeathIconMark for DeathMarks enemies in a target area for death, causing them to take 25% increased damage for 8 seconds.Spell163Acolyte
MarrowShardsIconMarrow ShardsFires sharpened bones from your body. The bones pierce through enemies inflicting physical damage. Instead of mana, 9% of your current health is consumed to cast this spell.Spell03Acolyte
MeteorIconMeteorCall a meteor from the sky that deals a large amount of damage upon landing. Added damage is applied at 600% effectiveness.Spell60Sorcerer
PoisonNovaIconVenom NovaThe companion ability of your Primal Scorpion. Releases a burst of venom that inflicts all enemies around the scorpion with a long lasting poison, and releases a spiral of projectiles that inflict a weaker poison on hit.Spell4510Companions
RavagingStanceIconRavaging StanceToggles ravaging stance. While in ravaging stance you lose 5% of your current Health per second, but emit an aura that afflicts nearby enemies with a ravaging ailment that deals Void Damage over time, but does not stack. You can only have one stance active at once.Spell0135Void Knight
ReaperFormIconReaper FormTake on the mantle of death itself and transform into a Reaper, temporarily gaining the Reap ability. While in Reaper Form, your health regen does not apply and your health decays over time. When your health reaches 0 instead of dying you transform back to human form and are healed to full health.Spell020Lich
RejuvenatingWindIconRejuvenating WindSpellCompanions
RipBloodIconRip BloodRips blood out of a target enemy dealing physical damage to it. An orb of the blood is drawn back to you, restoring 10 health when it reaches you.Spell31Acolyte
RoarIconRoarUnleash a thunderous roar which sends nearby enemies stumbling away in terror, greatly reducing their movement speed.Spell10Werebear Form
SacrificeIconSacrificeRips apart an allied minion, dealing physical damage to enemies around it. Added damage applies at double effectiveness.Spell2510Necromancer
ShatterStrikeIcon(new)Northern WindsA spell that deals cold damage, triggered by Primalist's Tempest Strike.SpellTempest Strike
SigilsOfHopeIconSigils of HopeSummons a sigil that orbits you, causing you and your allies' attack and spells to deal 4 additional Fire Damage and increasing Health Regeneration by 25%. You can have up to 3 sigils at a time. Sigils expire after 15 seconds.Spell3515Paladin
SmiteIconSmiteSmites a target enemy with a bolt of holy fire that descends from the sky, healing allies around the target for 20 health. Cannot be used without a target.Spell320Sentinel
SnapFreezeIconSnap FreezeFreezes enemies in a cone in front of you. Freeze lasts for 2 seconds.Spell30103Mage
SoulFeastIconSoul FeastFeasts on the souls of cursed enemies, dealing necrotic damage to them, and drawing fragments of their souls back to you. The soul fragments each grant 5 Ward when they reach you. Feasts on up to 10 enemies, prioritizing those closest to you.Spell2015Lich
SpiritPlagueIconSpirit PlagueCurses a target with a powerful necrotic damage over time effect which lasts 3 seconds. Spreads to a single nearby target on target deathSpell315Acolyte
SprigganFormIcon(new)Spriggan FormTransform into a forest spriggan, increasing your casting capabilities and gaining 4 new abilities. Your mana does not regenerate while in spriggan form. When your mana reaches 0 you automatically transform back into your human form, instantly regaining 50 mana.Spell05Druid
StaticIconStaticAs you move or when you get hit, Static charges up. Activate Static to discharge what you have built up, striking up to 5 nearby enemies with lightning.
100 charges maximum. Damage is multiplied by the number of charges.
StaticOrbIconStatic OrbCasts an orb in a target direction that deals lightning damage and pulls enemies that it hits towards it as it travels. At the end of its path it discharges, dealing lightning damage to enemies around it.Spell185Sorcerer
TeleportIconTeleportTeleport to target location.Spell27410Mage
TornadoIconTornadoConjures a tornado that moves at random, pulling in nearby enemies and dealing Physical Damage to them.Spell255Shaman
TransplantIconTransplantCreates a new body for you at the target location, then detonates your old body to deal physical damage to enemies around it. Instead of mana 13% of your current health is consumed to cast this spell.Spell413Acolyte
ValeBlastIconVale BlastHurl a bolt of vale lightning at the targetSpell3Spriggan Form
VolatileReversalIconVolatile ReversalReturns you to the position you were at 2 seconds ago, reverting changes to your current health and mana since then.Spell0185Void Knight
VolcanicOrbIconVolcanic OrbCasts a fiery orb that spews burning shrapnel in all directions.Spell70315Mage
WanderingSpiritsIconWandering SpiritsReveals wandering spirits around you for 5 seconds. The Spirits wander at random dealing necrotic damage over time to enemies they pass through.Spell1884Acolyte


IconSkill NameSkill DescriptionSkill TypeCooldown
AbyssalEchoesIconAbyssal CallingEmanates void energies constantly around the caster.Spell
AbyssalEchoesIconCorrupting BombLob a salvo of exploding void orbs at an area. Can also be cast at an area to create a series of Void pulses instead.Spell
AbyssalEchoesIconFireball (Void)Creates a batch of void energy that slowly moves forward, dealing void damage in an area.Spell
AbyssalEchoesIconPestilent TrailCreate corrosive ground, dealing damage over time.Spell
AbyssalEchoesIconRuin NovaMark an area, creating pulsating void.Spell
AbyssalEchoesIconVoid SlashSends a void shockwave with increasing area as it travels.Spell
AbyssalEchoesIconWorld SunderSlam the ground, creating a cascade of void explosions.Spell
AcidFlaskIconPoison GlobToss a poisonous projectile forward, which returns to you after a short duration. Applies 3 stacks of poison.Spell
AuraOfDecayIconGrowing SwarmConjure a whirling swarm of insects at a location that deals damage and shreds poison resistance.Spell
AvalancheIconFrostboltHurl a freezing orb, dealing cold damage over time and reducing freeze resistance on hit.Spell
AvalancheIconIce SpearCall down several ice spikes that shatter on impact.Spell
AvalancheIconIce TremorSlam the ground, calling down balls of ice in front of you. You can turn for the duration of the spell.Spell
BlackHoleIconAbyssal NovaSends a void projectile at a target, creating a void explosion in the area.Spell
BlackHoleIconDevouring VoidCreate a void explosion around the caster.Spell
BlackHoleIconDoom BlastMarks an area, creating a large void explosion after a delay.Spell
BlackHoleIconSeer's BarrageLob a flurry of exploding projectiles randomly.Spell
BlackHoleIconTeleport (Void)Teleports to a target, creating a void explosion on arrival.Spell
BlackHoleIconVoid ExplosionLobs an explosive void projectile at a target area.Spell
BlackHoleIconVoid PoolHurl a piercing void projectile, which explodes into a void pool.Spell
BlackHoleIconVoid RiftOpen a void rift in front of you that explodes in a cone after a delay.Spell
BoneNovaIconBone NovaFires bones shards in a circular arc.Spell
CinderStrikeIconExplosionCreates an explosion on death after a short delay, damaging nearby enemies.Spell
CinderStrikeIconFlame StrikeCall down fiery explosions in a random area.Spell
DarkQuiverIconAbyssal BreathSend a barrage of homing void projectiles at a target.Spell
DarkQuiverIconDark BarrageScatter six void projectiles that leave void pools behind.Spell
DefaultAbyssal OrbFires an orb which explodes on contact, dealing damage in the area.Spell
DefaultBone ShardFires 5 shard projectiles in an arc, dealing damage with a high stun chance on hit.Spell
DefaultBriar ThornFires a thorn to target location, dealing damage to enemiesSpell
DefaultEgg SackLaunches an egg sack to target area. Upon landing it will deal damage to enemies in the area with a high stun chance. After a few seconds the egg will explode dealing damage, summoning 5 Draal Grubs, and leaving behind a poisonous cloud which will inflict poison on any enemies in the areaSpell
DefaultFire NovaCasts a nova which deals fire damage in the surrounding area.Spell
DefaultFire ThornsFires a rapid burst of thorns in an arc that damage enemies.Spell
DefaultFrenzy AuraIncreases the attack and cast speed of all nearby alliesSpell
DefaultHealing AuraGenerates an aura which regenerates the health of nearby allies.Spell
DefaultIvory SlamSlams the ground, causing bone spikes to rupture out and deal damage to enemies in the area with a high stun chance.Spell
DefaultOrb of ResurrectionFires a purple orb to target area which will explode and resurrect any enemies that died in the nearby area.Spell
DefaultPoison SpitHurls a ball of spit at the enemy which inflicts them with poison.Spell
DefaultPoison SprayFires a burst of poison projectiles in an arc which deals damage and inflicts poison on hit.Spell
DefaultPoisonous Vines AttackFires poisonous attacks at enemies, inflicting them with poison on hit.Spell
DefaultPossessed SkullFires a haunted skull which will home in on nearby allies and deal damage.Spell
DefaultResurrect AlliesResurrects all allies which died nearby.Spell
DefaultShockwaveStomps the ground, sending out a shock wave that damages enemies with a high stun chance.Spell
DefaultSoul GeyserCreates a geyser eruption from the ground which will deal damage over time in the area.Spell
DefaultSoul LanceFire a lance projectile which deals massive damage to enemiesSpell
DefaultSpike Trail (Homing Variant)Fires a spike trail on the ground which will home in on nearby enemies.Spell
DefaultSpike Trail (Wide Variant)Fires 3 spike trails on the ground in an arc.Spell
DefaultSummon VineSummons stationary poisonous vines.Spell5
DefaultSummon Void SpectreSummons Void Spectres.Spell
DefaultThorn BarrageHurl a salvo of 3 poisonous projectiles in a line.Spell
DefaultThrow PoisonThrows a ball of poison, inflicting poison on hit.Spell
DefaultVale OrbFires a projectile at enemies.Spell
DefaultVale Spirit AttackFires a beam that damages enemies.Spell
DefaultVoid BarrageFires successive void projectiles towards target location.Spell
DefaultVoid EruptionCreates a cascade of void explosions at target area.Spell
DevouringOrbIconAbyssal HuntSends a homing projectile at a target, creating a void explosion after a short delay on contact.Spell
DevouringOrbIconBarrage of RuinCreate a series of void explosions, creating minions or corrosive ground.Spell
DevouringOrbIconDeath SeekerLob three void projectiles in a high arc, homing on a target.Spell
DevouringOrbIconVoid BoltHurl a void projectile that explodes into a pulsing void field.Spell
DevouringOrbIconVoid BreathFires a barrage of void projectiles.Spell
DevouringOrbIconWandering Void OrbsChannel, creating randomly wandering void orbs that persist for a duration.Spell
DisintegrateIconCrystal BeamWind up to release a lightning beam in front of you.Spell
DisintegrateIconInfernal BeamChannels a fiery beam in a line in front of the caster, dealing fire damage.Spell
DisintegrateIconMagma BreathBlow fire at a target in a straight line.Spell
DreadShadeIconDeath ScreechUnleash a deafening screech that deals necrotic damage in pulses.Spell
DreadShadeIconSoul Fire BreathBreathe necrotic fire in a cone ahead.Spell
EnchantWeaponIcon(new)Cannon PunchDash forward, unleashing a powerful lightning punch in a line.Spell
EntanglingRootsIconEntangling Roots (Spriggan)Snares nearby enemies and deals physical damage to them.Spell15
EphemeralStanceIconAdorant OrbMarks several areas, creating void explosions.Spell
EphemeralStanceIconDeath BeamBlasts a void beam in a line in front of the caster, dealing void damage.Spell
EphemeralStanceIconVoid DrainChannel a leashing void beam, draining the target's health, while also recovering a portion of it. The leash is broken when you and your target move apart a distance.Spell
FireballIconAsh ThrowLob a fiery projectile at an area.Spell
FireballIconEruptionDischarge a wave of flame in a triangular shape around you.Spell
FireballIconHoly FirespraySpray a barrage of fire projectiles at an area.Spell
FireballIconRuby BoltHurl a fiery bolt, piercing through enemies.Spell
FirebrandIconMagma BeamUnleash a beam of fire in front of you with a delay.Spell
FirebrandIconScorched EarthChannel, ripping the earth open in a fiery line that ignites enemies standing on it.Spell
FireShieldIconAsh BreathChannel a stream of fire in a cone.Spell
FireShieldIconFlamethrowerChannel a deadly stream of fire in a large cone.Spell
FireShieldIconHoly Fire NovaCreate a fiery explosion at an area.Spell
FireShieldIconLava PoolSlams the ground, dealing fire damage. The impact also creates a pool of lava that deals fire damage for its duration.Spell
FireShieldIconMagma OrbSend a fiery orb forward that bursts into shrapnels after a delay.Spell
FireShieldIconMolten PoolChannels, creating a growing area of molten lava in a cone that deals fire damage.Spell
FireShieldIconPrimeval DragonMark a target. When channeling ends, a large fire explosion occurs at the marked area.Spell
FlameReaveIcon(new)Fire WaveUnleash an extending wave of fire in front of you.Spell
FlameReaveIcon(new)FirespraySpray a cone of fire ahead of you.Spell
FlameWardIconCinder AuraEngulf yourself in flames, incinerating enemies around you.Spell
FlameWardIconFire AuraCoat yourself in flames, dealing fire damage in a large aura around you.Spell
FocusIconMoon BlastMark an area, creating a large explosion with a delay.Spell
ForgeStrikeIconEarth ShatterMark an area, calling a pair of voidfused forges crushing down with a delay.Spell
GlacierIconIce WallCreate a temporary wall of ice in front of yourself, blocking movement and projectiles. The wall is segmented and can be destroyed.Spell
GlacierIconTrench SlamCreate a cascade of watery explosions in front of you.Spell
GlacierIconTsunamiCreate a gush of tidal wave that travels a long distance.Spell
GlacierIconWave of IceCreates a cascade of icy explosions in front of the caster. Each successive explosion's area is larger.Spell
HungeringSoulIconDeath BoltFire a continuous beam of death at a location.Spell
HungeringSoulIconHungering SoulCalls forth a hungering soul that seeks out an enemy, on hit it deals necrotic damage and then possesses the target. Possessed enemies take necrotic damage over time for two seconds. Enemies cannot be possessed by multiple souls at once.Spell
HungeringSoulIconSoul BlastLob an explosive necrotic projectile at a target.Spell
HungeringSoulIconSoul ShrapnelScatter necrotic projectiles, which explode after a short delay.Spell
HungeringSoulIconSpirit HailLob three necrotic projectiles that explode on impact.Spell
HungeringSoulIconSpirit WaveShoot a necrotic beam in a line after a short delay.Spell
IceBarrage(new)IconWoven IceFire four icy projectiles in a line.Spell
IceWardIconBulb ExplosionCreate explosive bulbs in an area that trigger after a delay.Spell