Summons a wraith that rapidly fades from this world, but will seek and attack your foes while it remains. There is a default limit of 6 to the number of wraiths you can control at once. This limit can be bypassed through certain items and/or skills.
Wraiths deal 4 additional necrotic damage per point with attacks and spells.
Necrotic Hunger
Wraiths deal 20% more damage per point (multiplicative with other modifiers), and leech 10% of necrotic damage as health per point.
Wraith Bringer
You have 14% increased mana efficiency per point and 7% increased cast speed per point when casting Summon Wraith
Fallen Reclamation
Wraiths have 15% increased movement speed per point.
Flame Wraith
You have 11% chance per point to summon a Flame Wraith instead of a regular Wraith. Flame Wraiths throw fireballs, and have more health, and their health decays more slowly.
Spirit Link
Wraiths have 20% more critical strike chance (multiplicative with other modifiers). When you cast Summon Wraith you gain increased critical strike chance equal to the mana you spend to cast Summon Wraith.
Dawn of the Fall
Wraiths have 30% more critical strike chance per point (multiplicative with other modifiers).
Dusk of the Living
Wraiths have 40% additional critical strike multiplier per point.
Grave Reality
Summon Wraith has 10% increased mana cost per point, and 5% reduced cast speed per point, but Wraiths have 40% more health per point (multiplicative with other modifiers).
Delay the End
Wraiths' health drain is reduced by 12% per point.
Wraith Feast
When you deal a critical strike you heal all your Wraiths for 10 health per point.
Noxious Blades
Wraiths have 20% chance to poison on hit per point.
Putrid Wraith
You have 11% chance per point to summon a Putrid Wraith instead of a regular Wraith. Putrid Wraiths throw poison, and have more health, and their health decays more slowly.
Locus of Resurrection
20% increased mana cost. Wraiths appear at the target location
Locus of Death
Wraiths cannot move, but deal 40% more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
Dark Scythe
Wraiths have 10% more melee attack speed per point (multiplicative with other modifiers).
Echoes Inside
Adds a 6 second cooldown and increases mana cost by 80%. You summon 4 Wraiths with each cast, but there is a half second interval between each Wraith.
Stygian River
10% reduced cooldown per point and 10% reduced Wraith interval per point.
Army of Wraiths
10% increased mana cost per point. Summons an addition Wraith per point.
Spectral Ambush
Wraiths are summoned nearly instantly, but Summon Wraith summons 34% fewer Wraiths (the number of Wraiths it summons is rounded up).
Wraiths have 20% more health per point (multiplicative with other modifiers).
Spirit Blood
If you cast Summon Wraith near a corpse, the corpse will be consumed and the Wraith(s) you summon will deal 30% more damage (multiplicative with other bonuses).
Flee from Death
When you consume a corpse with Summon Wraith the Wraiths you summon will have 10% more attack speed, cast speed, and movenemt speed per point (multiplicative with other bonuses).
Skin Rags
When you consume a corpse with Summon Wraith the Wraiths you summon will have 25% more health per point (multiplicative with other bonuses).
Sanguine Spirits
When you consume a corpse with Summon Wraith you have a 20% chance to summon a Blood Wraith instead. Blood Wraiths have more health and their health decays more slowly.