Last Epoch Wiki

Swipe is a Primalist Melee Attack Skill which is unlocked at level 6.

Skill Description[]

A melee attack that hits all enemies in an area in front of you. Unaffected by weapon range.

Attribute Effects

Strength: 4% increased damage per point

Skill Nodes[]

Skill Nodes List
Icon Name Description Max Points
Shattering Strikes Shattering Strikes 20% chance per point to shred 40 armor for 4 seconds on hit. 2
Claws of Stone Claws of Stone 10% chance per point to summon a Claw Totem when you kill an enemy. Claw Totems use melee attacks and scale with your bonuses to minions. 3
Culling Culling Instantly kill enemies that are below a health threshold (7% of their maximum life per point). 2
Claws of the Bear Claws of the Bear Adds a 2 second cooldown, but increases base damage by 70% and adds 100% chance to slow. 1
Lupine Attunement Lupine Attunement You call forth 3 spirit wolves to run through and damage your enemies when your Swipe hits one enemy or more. The damage dealt by the spirit wolves scales with melee damage and minion damage. 1
Snake Fang Snake Fang +25% chance to poison per point. 4
Chimera Claws Chimera Claws Adds 5 fire damage per point. 5
Burning Claws Burning Claws 16% chance to ignite per point. 6
Winged Swipe Winged Swipe The wave of force travels forward from the Swipe, 35% less damage. 1
Eagle Talons Eagle Talons 10% more damage per point. 3
Hawk Flight Hawk Flight The wave of force travels 25% faster and further per point. 4
Flock of Blades Flock of Blades 14.3% chance per point for extra waves of force to eminate from your Swipe in random directions. 7
Battle Howl Battle Howl Gain 10% increased damage per point for 4 seconds when your swipe hits one enemy or more. 4
Wild Calling Wild Calling 15% chance per point to call forth 3 spirit wolves to run through and damage your enemies when your Swipe hits one enemy or more. The damage dealt by the spirit wolves scales with melee damage and minion damage. 4
Aspect of the Panther Aspect of the Panther Hitting an enemy with Swipe grants Aspect of the Panther for 4 seconds. Aspect of the Panther grants 15% increased attack and cast speed. You can only have one instance of Aspect of the Panther at once.duced damage. 1
Frenzy Frenzy Aspect of the Panther grants an additional 10% increased attack and cast speed per point. 3
Feline Hunter Feline Hunter Aspect of the Panther grants 25% increased critical strike chance per point. 8
Apex Predator Apex Predator Aspect of the Panther grants 25% additional critical strike multiplier per point. 4
