Last Epoch Wiki

The Monolith of Fate (Beta Endpoint) is a Monolith of Fate Quest.


Show/HideSpeak with the Forgotten Knight in The Desert Waystation (Zone)

Status: In Progress

Congratulations! You have reached the end of the currently available story content in Last Epoch! Talk to the Forgotten Knight in The Desert Waystation (Zone)

Location: The Desert Waystation (Zone)

NPC: Forgotten Knight

Show/HideTravel to The End of Time

Status: In Progress

The Forgotten Knight has directed you to return to The End of Time and learn about the Monolith of Fate!

Location: The End of Time

Show/HideSpeak with Agony in The End of Time

Status: In Progress

Speak with Agony to learn more about the Monolith of Fate

Location: The End of Time

NPC: Agony

Show/HideEnter the Monolith of Fate by clicking on the Monolith Stone in The End of Time

Status: In Progress

Click on that big rock over there and enter the Monolith of Fate! Prepare yourself for dangerous foes and bountiful loot!

Location: The End of Time

Show/HideFace the Monolith's Challenges

Status: In Progress

Face the objective(s) within the Monolith of Fate and have some fun!

Show/HideFind an Arena Key and enter the endless arena in The End of Time

Status: In Progress

Now that you've seen the Monolith of Fate, it's time to introduce you to The Arena! First, you need an Arena Key to enter! Once you've acquired a key, enter the Arena at The End of Time and get ready for a battle!

Location: The End of Time

Show/HideSurvive the endless arena as long as you can!

Status: In Progress

Survive the Endless Arena's waves of foes for as long as you are able!

Location: The Arena


Status: Complete

Congratulations on completing the currently available story content in Last Epoch! You are now free to pursue the Monolith of Fate, The Arena, farm your favorite areas, roll up some new characters, but more than anything have fun! More story content will become available as development continues. Thank you!


Character Name
