Last Epoch Wiki

The Oracle's Aid is a Main Quest, given by Alric.


Show/HideSpeak with Alric in The Shining Cove

Status: In Progress

Speak with Alric in The Shining Cove.

You find yourself washed up on a beach, the sun above bearing down on you. You survived jumping from the deck of the Dreadnought. Judging from the soggy figure leaning against some debris nearby it seems that Alric survived as well. Speak with Alric and see if he is okay.

Location: The Shining Cove

NPC: Alric

Show/HideTravel to Maj'elka

Status: In Progress

Traverse the sands and reach Maj'elka!

After speaking with Alric, the two of you decide that the next course of action is to seek the aid of a nearby Oracle. The Oracle resides inside the walls of the city of Maj'elka, a place that was once known as the jewel of the desert. Unfortunately, the city is now under Imperial control. Alric will meet you in the city. Find your way to Maj'elka to find the Oracle.

Location: Maj'elka

Show/HideSpeak with Alric in Maj'elka

Status: In Progress

You've reached the formidable walls of Maj'elka and entered the slums in hopes of avoiding detection. Near you a portal opens and out steps Alric, seeming in much better condition than how you saw him before. He beckons you closer so he may explain the next stage of his plan.

Location: Maj'elka

NPC: Alric

Show/HideDefeat the Imperial Forces and find the Emerald Sigil

Defeat the Imperial Forces and find the Sapphire Sigil

Defeat the Imperial Forces and find the Ruby Sigil

Defeat the Imperial Forces and find the Diamond Sigil

Status: In Progress

Find the Nagasa Sigils in Maj'elka and the Sapphire Quarter.

Alric has informed you that the way into The Oracle's abode is sealed by four sigils, each representing one of the Nagasa castes. The sigils are hidden throughout the city of Maj'elka, and he needs you to clear the Immortal Empire forces that are too close to the sigils so he may retrieve them. Find the Nagasa sigils!

Location: Maj'elka

NPC: Alric

Show/HideEnter the Oracle's Abode in Maj'elka

Status: In Progress

Enter the Oracle's Abode from Maj'elka.

Now that you found the Nagasa sigils the way to the Oracle's Abode has been revealed. Travel to the corner of the city where she has made her home and meet with her.

Location: The Oracle's Abode

Show/HideSpeak with the Oracle

Status: In Progress

Speak with the Oracle in the Oracle's Abode

You've entered the Oracle's Abode, and Alric is standing off to the side, motioning for you to speak with her. As you come closer to the Nagasa woman, she regards you with an odd look. She seems to recognize you, though that should be impossible. Speak with her to discover what she knows about how to defeat the Emperor.

Location: The Oracle's Abode

NPC: The Oracle


Status: Completed

After washing up on a sandy beach, you and Alric made your way Maj'elka in search of a woman known as the Oracle. After entering the city and finding the Nagasa sigils you were able to enter the Oracle's Abode and speak with her. The Oracle has informed you that the secret passage into the Immortal Citadel is in danger of being found due to the construction of the Empire's artificial waypoints. You must reach the artificial waypoint, use it to reach the Immortal Citadel, and disable it behind you.
