A melee attack that also prepares you to Riposte incoming Hits. If Vengeance successfully Hits an enemy and you take a Hit in the next 2 seconds you will Riposte, taking 25% less damage and striking at a nearby enemy.
Attribute Effects
Strength: 4% increased damage per point
Skill Nodes[]
Hover over skill nodes for their descriptions
This is an interactive display of the Vengeance skill tree. Hovering over a node icon will give a description of the skill node.
Skill Nodes List
Max Points
Vengeance deals 15% more damage per point against enemies that are already damaged.
You take 5% reduced damage per point for 2 seconds when you hit an enemy with Vengeance
Faint Strike
Vengeance deals 15% increased damage per point, but has 15% reduced stun chance per point.
You have 10% chance per point to retaliate with Dark Blade in addition to riposte. Dark Blade is a melee attack that releases a sword that pierces through enemies, dealing physical damage. Nodes on this tree that increase the number of times you can retaliate with riposte do not increase the number of times you can retaliate with Dark Blade.
Shattering Blade
Dark Blade has 10% chance per point to shred 40 armor for 4 seconds.
Blade Assault
5% chance per point to also attack with Dark Blade when you hit an enemy with Vengeance. Dark Blade is a melee attack that releases a sword that pierces through enemies, dealing physical damage.
Combo Riposte
10% chance per point to also attack with Dark Blade when you hit an enemy with Vengeance. Dark Blade is a melee attack that releases a sword that pierces through enemies, dealing physical damage.
Vital Puncture
Dark Blade has 15% chance per point to deal double damage.
Double Riposte
10% reduced attack speed. You can riposte an additional time after you hit an enemy with Vengeance.
Rapid Strikes
6% increased attack speed per point.
Dark Duellist
You have 20% increased damage per point while preparing to riposte.
Zealot's Technique
You take 10% increased damage per point while preparing to riposte. You can riposte up to one additional time per point after hitting an enemy with Vengeance.
Vengeful Fighter
15% increased damage per point if you are below half health.
20% chance per point to attack with Dark Blade when you kill an enemy with riposte. Dark Blade is a melee attack that releases a sword that pierces through enemies, dealing physical damage.
Vengeful Slayer
10% chance per point to attack with Dark Blade when you kill an enemy with Vengeance. Dark Blade is a melee attack that releases a sword that pierces through enemies, dealing physical damage.
Winged Steel
Dark Blade travels 15% faster and further per point.
Dark Blade no longer pierces, and deals 15% reduced damage. Dark Blade ricochets towards a different enemy on hit.
Dark Chains
Dark Blade has 25% reduced projectile speed per point, but can ricochet to one additional enemy per point.
Essence of Revenge
15% chance to gain a void essence on hit with riposte. Void essences grant 10% increased damage and 40 tenacity, and last 5 seconds.
Essence of Vindication
15% chance to gain a void essence on kill with Vengeance. Void essences grant 10% increased damage and 40 tenacity, and last 5 seconds.