Last Epoch Wiki

The model of the waypoint marker than can be found within zones.

Waypoints are common points of interest in the World of Eterra.


Waypoints are interactable objects that open the World Map User Interface window upon stepping onto them. They serve as checkpoints for various zones, creating an interconnected network that is intended to help navigate between zones quicker, as the player progresses.

Unlocking Waypoints[]

Waypoint legend

Most waypoints start off locked, however towns and some transitional areas may have already active ones. They must be 'turned on' by moving very close to them, upon which they are lit up. Players can fast travel to any unlocked waypoints via the World Map interface. Waypoints are marked on the world map with different symbols:

  • Areas with no waypoint appear empty.
  • Areas with a locked waypoint appear with a golden cross.
  • Areas with an unlocked waypoint appear with a light blue cross.