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Wengari berserker

A Wengari Berserker

Wengari are one of the Races in the World of Eterra.


The Wengari are former followers of Heorot, who resented not being chosen and therefore used magic to transform themselves into half-elk half-men so as to mimic Heorot’s image, in an attempt to gain his favor. Heorot rejected them, however, seeing this act as obscene, driving many into aligning with the rebellion of Morditas.

The Wengari have however not been expelled from Heoborea, and they continue to inhabit the area west to it. Many hunters wander the snowland, while others build and seek refuge in the Wengari Fortress, a monumental stronghold that is also the shelter of the Wengari elders, and much of the populace. Wengari survive the harsh climate by hunting and animal taming.

Wengari people form a shamanistic society that also unites a number of tribes under one standard. Wengari are militaristic, but they are not in favour of waging reckless wars. Instead, they opt for a defensive, territorial strategy, mercilessly capturing and disposing of any trespasser. Their chieftains are the most revered shamans, the Wengari Patriarch and Wengari Matriarch, who are also responsible for guarding and preserving sacred artifacts.

The Wengari revel in the thrill of combat. Most Wengari are proficient at the art of the axe, using them to deliver strikes both up-close and from afar with great speed. Some of them can also ride Eber into battle, throwing axes from their back. The Wengari also employ Beastmasters, who command bloodthirsty, vicious hounds by the numbers at their enemy. Wengari sages however resorted to harnessing the power of Ice, summoning freezing totems and encasing their allies in chilling armor.

Some Wengari like to chill around the Endless Arena, where they can put their strength to the test.


Divine era[]

By the Divine era, the Wengari have built their Fortress in western Heoborea, continuing their territorial defense and honoring their traditions. Over time, they have abducted a large number of nearby nomads, imprisoning them. The Wengari also manage to take hold of a sacred Heoborean artifact: the Blessed Horn, which can be used to summon Heorot's champion to their side at any time.

The Traveler attacks the Wengari, after they are commanded by Yulia and Heorot to retrieve the Blessed Horn. Not only they fight through contested territories, but also the Wengari stronghold. The tribe's military ranks aoon fall short to the infiltrators, as not only a large number of detained nomads are freed, but their very leaders are threatened. The twin chieftains put up a lengthy fight against the Traveler, however they are both defeated and they lose the Blessed Horn. Remaining Wengari continue to retaliate as the Traveler travels to Farwood yet, but they lose any military significance after the loss of their chieftains.

Imperial era[]

By the Imperial era, the Wengari have fallen into insignificance, as the Immortal Emperor comes and establishes his Empire, enjoying the support and command of countless undead. It is possible that they have initially survived as an isolated community, however the never-stopping expansion of the Immortal Empire eventually took the better of them, incorporating most of them into their ranks, or sacrificed for fuelling their Soul Repositories.

In an alternate timeline, Formosus the Undying is known to resurrect fallen Wengari to his cause.


Wengari Concept Art

Wengari concept art
